Период 1870
Материалы по теме
The economic situation of the enemy countries. № 1. Austria-Hungary
The economic situation of the enemy countries. [Petrograd, 1916]. No. 1: Austria-Hungary. [1916]. |
Economic lessons of war
Wicker, Maxim. Economic lessons of war. Moscow: the printing house of the Godfather calendar of A. Gatsuk, 1918. |
Economic causes of the World War
Maslov, Pyotr Pavlovich (1867-1946). Economic causes of the World War. Moscow: printing house of ID Sytin, 1915. |
The economic causes of World War II
Maslov, Pyotr Pavlovich (1867-1946). The economic causes of the world war. Moscow: Zadug, 1917. |
World War Economics
Geksher, Eli Philip. Economy of the World War. Petrograd: Zadug, 1917. |
Economy of War
Svyatlovskiy, Eugene. Economy of war. Moscow: publishing house "Military Herald No. 1926. |
Storm of Peremyshl October 7 (September 24) 1914
Cherkasov, P. Shturm Przemysl 7 October (24 September) 1914 Moscow: Publication of the military printing house of the Department of Affairs of the NKVM and the Revolutionary Military Council of the USSR, 1927. |
What remains of the Austro-German-Bulgarian-Turkish Union
Clerge, G. What remained of the Austro-German-Bulgarian-Turkish alliance. Petrograd: Ed. ord., [1917]. |
Black book about the cruelty of the German
Zarechny, Sergey. A black book about the cruelty of the German. Petrograd: type. Literacy, 1914. |
Through the crucible of the imperialist war
Through the crucible of the imperialist war. Moscow: The Communist, 1918; Petrograd. |