Период 1918
Материалы по теме
Cipher telegram from Soviet Consul in Turkey Y. Surits to the Soviet People's Commissariat of Foreign Affairs and the Soviet Communist Party Central Committee about the Balkan Pact. Original Resolution - autograph of J. Stalin
Cipher telegram from Soviet Consul in Turkey Y. Surits to the Soviet People’s Commissariat of Foreign Affairs and the Soviet Communist Party Central Committee about the Balkan Pact. Original. Resolution – autograph of J. Stalin
Cipher telegram from Ankara from the Deputy People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs of the USSR V. P. Potyomkin to the People's Commissariat to Foreign Affairs of the USSR on the conversation with Turkish President Mustafa İsmet İnönü on safety ensuring in
F. 059.The cipherogram of the Deputy People's Commissar of Foreign Affairs of the USSR V. P. Potemkin from Ankara to the NKID of the USSR on a conversation with Turkish President Ismet Inen on Security in Europe in the event of aggression of the Axis countries.
Шифрованное письмо полпреда СССР в Польше Я. Х. Давтяна в НКИД СССР о содержании французского проекта Восточного пакта
Cipher letter from Soviet Plenipotentiary Representative in Poland Y. Davtyan to the Soviet People’s Commissariat of Foreign Affairs on the version of the Eastern Pact proposed by France. Certified copy.
Телеграмма делегатов XV ассамблеи Лиги наций в Наркомат по иностранным делам СССР с приглашением СССР к вступлению в Лигу наций (перевод с французского языка)
Telegram from the delegates of the XV Assembly of the League of Nations to the Soviet People’s Commissariat of Foreign Affairs, inviting the USSR to join the League of Nations (translation from French). Copy.
Article by the Head of the International Information Bureau of the Soviet Communist Party Central Committee K. Radek “Revising the Treaty of Versailles”. Original Signature - autograph of K. Radek, resolution and corrections in red pencil - autograph of J
Article by the Head of the International Information Bureau of the Soviet Communist Party Central Committee K. Radek “Revising the Treaty of Versailles”. Original. Signature – autograph of K. Radek, resolution and corrections in red pencil – autograph of J. Stalin.
Comparative analysis of the development of ideas about the system of spiritual values in the domestic pedagogy and pedagogy of emigration in the 20-30s. XX century
Scriabin, Darya Yurievna. Comparative analysis of the development of ideas about the system of spiritual values in the domestic pedagogy and pedagogy of emigration in the 20-30s. XX century. Izhevsk, 2011. |
Reports of the All-Union Association "Soyuzugleexport" on the export of coal and anthracite
F. R-5446.Help of the All-Union Association "Suguzagleexport" on the export of coal and anthracite.
Cover letter from the Deputy Head of the 4th Directorate of the Red Army General Staff B. Melnikov to Soviet Deputy People's Commissar of Military and Naval Affairs M. Tukhachevsky with attached reports on the foreign policy of Great Britain and the situa
Cover letter from the Deputy Head of the 4th Directorate of the Red Army General Staff B. Melnikov to Soviet Deputy People’s Commissar of Military and Naval Affairs M. Tukhachevsky with attached reports on the foreign policy of Great Britain and the situation in Germany. Cover letter – original, reports – copies.
Cover letter from the Acting Deputy Head of the 4th Directorate of the Red Army General Staff V. Davydov to Soviet People's Commissar of Military and Naval Affairs K. Voroshilov with attached information about the domestic situation of Great Britain and i
Cover letter from the Acting Deputy Head of the 4th Directorate of the Red Army General Staff V. Davydov to Soviet People’s Commissar of Military and Naval Affairs K. Voroshilov with attached information about the domestic situation of Great Britain and its actions in the international arena. Cover letter – original, information – copy.
Сопроводительная записка начальника Особого отдела ГУГБ НКВД СССР М. И. Гая заместителю наркома внутренних дел СССР Я. С. Агранову при документальном агентурном материале о внешнеполитических событиях в мире за период с 5 по 26 января 1935 г.
Accompanying note of the Head of the Special Department of the Main Directorate of State Security of the Soviet People’s Commissariat of Internal Affairs M. Gay to the Soviet Deputy People’s Commissar of Internal Affairs Y. Agranov with an attached secret agent information summary of international events over the period 5–26 January 1935. Cover letter – original, secret agent information summary – translation from German, contemporary to the original.