Российское государство во II пол. XV
Материалы по теме
The Shelonsky operation of Tsar John III Vasilievich and the Battle of Shelona in 1471 July 14
Baiov, Alexey Konstantinovich.The Shelonsky operation of Tsar John III Vasilievich and the Battle of Shelona in 1471 on July 14.Petrograd: Type.Imp.Nick.military.Acad., 1915.
The rank of the grand duchy of Prince Dimitry Ioannovich, the grandson of Grand Duke John III Vasilievich
The rank of the Grand Duchy of Prince Dimitry Ioannovich, the grandson of Grand Duke John III Vasilievich. Category: Sankt Petersburg. A. Tranchelya, 1865. |
The ceremony of marriage of Tsar Ivan Vasilievich with Queen Anne Vasilchikov
The marriage ceremony of Tsar Ivan Vasilievich with Queen Anne Vasilchikov. St. Petersburg: Type. P. V. Martynova, 1900. |
The petition order in the middle of the XVI century // Proceedings of the USSR Academy of Sciences. A series of history and philosophy. 1950, Vol. 7, No. 5
Proceedings of the USSR Academy of Sciences. A series of history and philosophy. Schmidt, Sigurd Ottovich (historian, 1922 -). The petition order in the middle of the XVI century. |
Tsninskaya Mordva.Joining the Moscow state in the XVI - the first quarter of the XVII century
Napolnikova, Polina Konstantinovna.Tsninskaya Mordva.Joining the Moscow state in the XVI - the first quarter of the XVII century.Tambov, 2017.
Central authority and local self-government in the Russian state of the XVI century.
Bovykin, Vladimir Valentinovich Central authority and local self-government in the Russian state of the XVI century .. St. Petersburg, 2011. |
Tsar Ivan the Terrible, his reign, his deeds, his life, contemporaries and figures in portraits, engravings, paintings, sculptures, monuments of architecture, etc., etc.
Tsar Ivan the Terrible, his reign, his deeds, his life, contemporaries and figures in portraits, engravings, paintings, sculptures, monuments of architecture, etc., etc. St. Petersburg: Wolf, [cz. 1904]; Moscow. |
Tsar John the Terrible
Zhdanov, Lev Grigoryevich (1864-1951).Tsar John the Terrible.St. Petersburg: A.F.Devrienes, qualifying.1904.
Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich Grozny and his time
Knyazkov, Sergey Aleksandrovich (1873-1920?).Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich Grozny and his time.St. Petersburg: P. Lukovnikov, 1914.
Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich Grozny
Firsov, Nikolai Nikolaevich (1864-1934).Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich Grozny.Kazan: type-lit.V.M.Klyactivity, 1892.