Россия в кон. XVII
Материалы по теме
Linguistic personality in the conditions of the formation of the norms of the Russian literary language
Ivanova, Evgenia Nikolaevna.Linguistic personality in the conditions of the formation of the norms of the Russian literary language.Yekaterinburg, 2008.
Etudes and characteristics
Veselovsky, Alexey Nikolaevich (1843-1918).Etudes and characteristics.Moscow: Typio-Lit.Hall.app.T-Va I.N.Kushner and to °, 1894.
Eric Laxmann, his life, travel, research and correspondence
Lagus, Wilhelm Jacob Johann. Eric Laxmann, his life, travel, research and correspondence. St. Petersburg: publication of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, 1890. |
States provinces
States provinces. Film Moscow: The Senate. type., 1797. |
State of the Holy Synod with Moscow Office
Russia. SynodMoscow Office
The staff of the Holy Synod with the Moscow office. [Sankt Petersburg]: [The Senate. type.], [1768]. |
Black Sea Cossacks in their civil and military life
Popko, Ivan Diomidovich (1819-1893). Black Sea Cossacks in their civil and military life. St. Petersburg: type. P.A. Kulisha, 1858. |
The rough letters about Rastrelli Carla Bartolomeo
Zheleznov MI Rough reports about Rastrelli Carla Bartolomeo. |
The church and the state in polemics with the Old Believers in the second half of the XVII century.
Belyankin, Yury Sergeevich. Church and state in the controversy with the Old Believers in the second half of the XVII century. Moscow, 2012. |
Tsarina Praskovya, 1664-1723
Semevsky, Mikhail Ivanovich (1837-1892).
Tsarina Praskovya, 1664-1723. St. Petersburg: Ed. journal. "Russian Antiquity," 1883. |
Artistic treasures of Russia.T. 3.
Artistic treasures of Russia.St. Petersburg: B. and., 1904.T. 3. 1903.