Россия в период 1907-1914 гг.
Материалы по теме
The case of the Council of Ministers on draft laws of members of the State Duma on the allocation of funds from the State Treasury for the acquisition of the estate M. M. Petrovsky, located on the territory of the ancient Kremlin in Kiev, for archaeological scum
Collection: Case of the Council of Ministers on draft laws of members of the State Duma on the allocation of funds from the State Treasury for the acquisition of the estate M. M. Petrovsky, located on the territory of the ancient Kremlin in Kiev, for archaeological excavations: October 31, 1911 - July 4, 1913. (1911-1913)
Case of the Council of Ministers for Dogs of the Kiev Meshchean Ferofila and Lydia Duzinkevichi on crimes in the service of various officials
Collection: Case of the Council of Ministers for Donos Kyiv Meshchean Feofila and Lydia Duzinkevichi about crimes in the service of various officials: August 18, 1907 - October 14, 1916 (1907-1916)
Case of the Council of Ministers on the Sea Agent report in Turkey Captain II rank A.N.Shcheglova on the strengthening of the Turkish Sea Fleet
Collection: Case of the Council of Ministers according to the report of the maritime agent in Turkey Captain II rank A.N.Shcheglova on strengthening the Turkish Marine Fleet: March 30, 1911 (1911)
The case of the Council of Ministers on the All-Advanced Options of O. D. Nelidova, the widow of the diplomat, about acquiring golden items to the treasury the collection of Greek antiquities collected by her husband, former Russian ambassador in Paris A. I. Nelidov
Collection: Case of the Council of Ministers on the All-Advanced Application O. D. Nelidova, Widow of the diplomat, about acquiring golden items of the collection of Greek antiquities collected by her husband, former Russian ambassador in Paris A. I. Nelidov: June 8, 1911 May 191914 (1911-1914)
The case of the Council of Ministers on the All-Advanced Report for 1910 Commander of the Vilen Military District on the need to establish in the legislative procedure of circular liability of the population for damage and theft of field telephone and telegraph wires with a dram
Collection: Case of the Council of Ministers on the All-Advanced Report for 1910. Commander of the Vilen Military District on the need to establish in the legislative framework of circular liability of the population for damage and theft of field telephone and telegraph wires with the resolution of the emperor "Vero": October 29, 1911 - January 31, 1912G. (1911-1912)
The case of the Council of Ministers on the development of measures to accelerate the settlement of the Far East by settlers from the Cossacks and peasants
Council of Ministers (1905-1917). The Case of the Council of Ministers on the development of measures to accelerate the settlement of the Far East by settlers from the Cossacks and peasants. |
The case of the Council of Food Ministers, on measures to provide food assistance to the population affected by the fault of 1911, plans for the mainstreaming campaigns for 1912-1915.
Collection: Case of the Council of Food Ministers, On Measures of Food Assistance to the population affected by the fault of 1911, Food Campaign Plans for 1912-1915: July 14, 1911 - 24 May 1915 (1911-1915)
Case of the Council of Ministers on the approval of the draft charter of Poltava second male gymnasium
Collection: Case of the Council of Ministers On Approval of the draft Charter of Poltava Second Male Gymnasium: August 3, 1910 - November 2, 1911 (1910-1911)
The case of the Council of Ministers on the approval of the draft estimates of the expenses and income of the Office of the Council of Ministers in 1912
Collection: Case of the Council of Ministers On Approval of the draft estimates of expenses and income of the Office of the Council of Ministers in 1912: June 16, 1911 - December 30, 1913 (1911-1913)
The case of the Council of Ministers on the approval of the draft rules on the tote at the racetracks of race and running societies
Collection: Case of the Council of Ministers on the approval of the draft rules on tote at the racetracks of parking and running societies: 1 - 29 June 1911 (1911)