Россия в период 1907-1914 гг.
Материалы по теме
Memories of Stolypin VN and others about Stolypin A. A
Stolypin, Pyotr Arkadevich (1862-1911).
Memories of Stolypin VN and others about Stolypin AA 1825-1834. |
Memoirs of Ryabikov PF about General N. V. Ruzsky
Ryabikov Pavel Fedorovich, general, professor of the General Staff Academy. Memoirs of Ryabikov PF about General N. V. Ruzsky. |
Issues of preparation of the Russian army to the war in military periodicals 1905-1914 gg.
Pirogov, Dmitriy Viktorovich.Issues of preparation of the Russian army to the war in military periodicals 1905-1914 gg.Moskva 2016.
Foreign policy in the public opinion of Russia on the eve of the First World War
Kostrikova, Elena Gavrilovna (Doctor of Historical Sciences). Foreign policy in the public opinion of Russia on the eve of the First World War. Moscow, 2011. |
Extra-service interviews among foreigners-Perms
Tarakanov, Alexander Extra-service interviews among non-Russians-Perm. The Kazan: type. Un-ta, 1910. |
The view of the part of the hall during the session of the agrarian commission of the Third State Duma, headed by MV Rodzianko
Bulla, Karl Karlovich (1855-1929). A view of a part of the hall during the session of the agrarian commission of the Third State Duma, headed by MV Rodzianko. Film [Between 1907 and 1912]. |
Milestones. Moscow: The Young Guard, 1991. |
Bulletin of the Society of Technologists.1895. [T.2].No. 6. June
Bulletin of the Society of Technologists.1895. [T.2].No. 6. June.1895.
Religious and ecclesiastical issues in the State Duma of the third convocation and the attitude to them "of the Union on October 17"
Kamensky, Petr Valerianovich (1860-). Religious and ecclesiastical issues in the State Duma of the third convocation and the attitude to them of the "Union of October 17". Moscow: Tipo-lit. E. Kudinova and Co., 1909. |
The Great Assault on the Church
Aivazov, Ivan Georgievich (1872-1964).
Great storm of the church. Moscow: Tipo-lit. I. Efimova, successor. I.S. Efimova, 1912. |