Период гражданской войны (1918
Материалы по теме
Formation and acquisition of units and formations of the Red Army in 1918-1920.
Luzikov, Vladimir Konstantinovich (candidate of historical sciences). Formation and recruitment of units and formations of the Red Army in 1918-1920. Moscow, 2015. |
F. E. Dzerzhinsky and members of the College of the Cheka.1919
F. E. Dzerzhinsky and members of the College of the Cheka.1919
The charter (program) of the All-Russian Peasant Party (counterrevolutionary organization)
Ryabikov Pavel Fedorovich, general, professor of the General Staff Academy. The Charter (program) of the All-Russian Peasant Party (counterrevolutionary organization). |
Conditions of admission to the Petrograd Institute of out-of-school education in the 1919-1920 academic year
Leningrad Communist Political-Educational Institute. N.K.Krupskoy. Conditions of admission to the Petrograd Institute of out-of-school education in the 1919-1920 academic year. Petrograd, 1919. |
Lessons of Civil War
Gusev, Sergei Ivanovich (1874-1933). Lessons of the Civil War. Moscow: State Publishing House, 1921. |
The Ural Komsomol in the struggle for October
Просветов, К.Уральский комсомол в борьбе за Октябрь. Свердловск : Уралполиграф, 1928. |
The Ural partisans. The campaign of Blucher-Kashirin detachments in 1918
Golubykh, Mikhail Dmitrievich. The Ural partisans. The campaign of the Blucher-Kashirin detachments in 1918. Ekaterinburg: Uralkniga, 1924. |
Notifications of the All-Russian Emergency Commission on the release of prisoners from the arrest
Council of People's Commissars RSFSR (SNK RSFSR).Notifications of the All-Russian Emergency Commission on the release of prisoners from under arrest.
Proceedings of the 1st Urban Conference "CultProsvetov" on foreign construction issues convened by the Novonicolaev Department of National Education on March 15-25, 1920.
Proceedings of the 1st Urban Conference "CultProsvetov" on extracurricular construction issues convened by the Novionicolaev Department of National Education 15-25 March 1920.1920.