Европа в сер. XVII в.

Европа в сер. XVII в.

Материалы по теме

Overview of external relations of Russia (for 1800). Part 3. (Courland, Livonia, Estland, Finland, Poland and Portugal)

  Bantysh-Kamensky, Nikolai Nikolayevich (1737-1814).     Overview of external relations of Russia (for 1800). (Courland, Livonia, Estland, Finland, Poland and Portugal).
Moscow: Komis. printing state. certificates and contracts with Moscow. Ch. arch. Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Affairs, 1894-1902.1897.

Kleemanovo travel from Vienna to Belgrade and New Kilia, takozh in the lands of the Bujata and Nagaisk Tatars and throughout the Crimea, with return through Constantinople, Smyrna and Trieste to Austria in 1768, 1769 and 1770, with the introduction of the description of the memorabilia of the Crimean

Clement, N.E. Kleemanova traveling from Vienna to Belgrade and New Kilia, takozh to the lands of the Bujata and Nagaisk Tatars and to the whole Crimea, returning via Constantinople, Smyrna and Trieste to Austria in 1768, 1769 and 1770, with the introduction of the description of memorabilia Crimean. St. Petersburg: Gos. military. Collegium, 1783.