Азия в V

Азия в V

Материалы по теме

Meeting of travels to the Tatars and other Eastern peoples in the 13th, 14th and 15th centuries

  Languages, Dmitry Ivanovich     Collection of travels to the Tatars and other Eastern peoples in the 13th, 14th and 15th centuries. [1], 2, Plano Carpini. Asceline. Category: Sankt Petersburg. Dep. b. Enlightenment, 1825.

Notes of the Historical and Philological Faculty of the St. Petersburg University. Part 66. Byzantium and the Arabs. Political relations of Byzantium and the Arabs during the Macedonian dynasty

Imperial St. Petersburg University. Historical and Philological Faculty. Notes of the Historical and Philological Faculty of the St. Petersburg University. St. Petersburg, 1876-1917.
Ch 66: Byzantium and the Arabs; Political relations of Byzantium and the Arabs during the Macedonian dynasty. 1902.