Этнология современных народов
Материалы по теме
Ethnographic stories
Infantiev, PP Ethnographic stories. St. Petersburg: Izd. A.F. Devriena, [1909]. |
Ethnographic notes about the Chuvashes of the Kozmodemyansky Uyezd of Kazan Province
Nikolsky, Nikolai Vasilyevich (1878-1961).
Ethnographic notes about the Chuvashes of the Kozmodemyansky district of the Kazan province. Kazan: Typo-lithograph of the Kazan Imperial University, 1911. |
Ethnogenesis of the Eastern Slavs. .... T. 1
Ethnogenesis of the Eastern Slavs. T. 1. Moscow: The Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR; Leningrad, 1941. 1941. |
Ethno -Autlas of the Altai Territory
Ethno -Autlas of the Altai Territory.Barnaul: Printing house management of the administration of the Altai Territory, 2019.
Ethnic factor in the development of regional political elites
Charina, Anna Mikhailovna (candidate of political science). Ethnic factor in the development of regional political elites. Saratov, 2012. |
Ethnic image of the world in the philosophy of Russian culture of the XIX-early XX century
Pyzhova, Olesya Vladimirovna. Ethnic image of the world in the philosophy of Russian culture of the XIX-early XX century. Kursk, 2011. |
Ethnic and confessional composition of the Germans of Pavlodar Priirtyshye in the XX-beginning of the XXI century
Podoprigora, Julia Ivanovna (Candidate of Science). Ethnic and confessional composition of the Germans of Pavlodar Priirtyshye in the XX-early XXI century. Tomsk, 2009. |
Ethnic activism and local strategies for the production of ethnic culture in the Mari villages of the Kirov region
Gavrilova, Ksenia Andreevna.Ethnic activism and local strategies for the production of ethnic culture in the Mari villages of the Kirov region.St. Petersburg: [b.I.], 2016.
Ethnic culture of Khakassians and problems of reconstruction of the main stages of their historical development
Butanaev, Viktor Yakovlevich (Doctor of Historical Sciences). Ethnic culture of Khakassians and problems of reconstruction of the main stages of their historical development. Novosibirsk, 1993. |
Ethnic identity and mentality of Russians in the conditions of the national regions of Siberia
Mongush, Salbak Oner-oolovna. Ethnic identity and mentality of Russians in the conditions of the national regions of Siberia. Ulan-Ude, 2010. |