Экономическая география
Материалы по теме
Improving the management of regional development based on the harmonization of the interaction of state power, business and the population
Zubaidullina, Dinara Vineovna (candidate of economic sciences).Improving the management of regional development based on the harmonization of the interaction of state power, business and the population.St. Petersburg, 2019.
Improving the organizational and economic mechanism for managing the innovative development of agriculture of the region (based on the materials of the Chechen Republic)
Improving the organizational and economic mechanism for managing the innovative development of agriculture of the region (based on the materials of the Chechen Republic).2019.
Improvement of regional sustainable development governance
Shedko, Yuri Nikolaevich.Improvement of regional sustainable development governance.Moscow, 2016.
Improving the mechanism of goal-setting the socio-economic development of the Donor region
Bozhko, Yuri Nikolaevich.Improving the mechanism of goal-setting the socio-economic development of the donor region.Tambov, 2012.
Improving the cluster policy of the region based on the modernization of tools for evaluating its effectiveness
Improving the cluster policy of the region based on the modernization of tools for assessing its effectiveness.2021.
The rural settlement of the Saratov region in the second half of the 50's and the end of the 70's. XX century
Sushko, Marina Yuryevna. The rural settlement of the Saratov region in the second half of the 50's and the end of the 70's. XX century. Saratov, 2011. |
The role of special economic zones in the socio-economic development of territories
Alexandrov, Yuri Mikhailovich. The role of special economic zones in the socio-economic development of territories. Moscow, 2011. |
Restructuring of the social space of the local territory of a large city (on the example of the Kanonersky Island of St. Petersburg) NO BO
Restructuring of the social space of the local territory of a large city (on the example of the Kanonersky Island of St. Petersburg) NO BO. 2016 |
Regional priorities of financial and economic development of special economic zones
Regional priorities of financial and economic development of special economic zones (on the example of the Kaliningrad region). 2008. |
Regional integration in the post-Soviet space: problems and prospects: (political analysis)
Biryukova Olga.Regional integration in the post-Soviet space: problems and prospects: (political analysis).Moscow, 2008.