Государственные расходы
Материалы по теме
The economic foundations of the formation of modern public administration systems
Kalinin, Alexey Mikhailovich.The economic foundations of the formation of modern public administration systems.Moscow, 2007.
Statistical analysis of innovation in the Russian Federation: Regional aspect
Statistical analysis of innovation in the Russian Federation: Regional aspect.2016.
Modern priorities of state policy of improving the efficiency of the Russian economy: innovative aspects
Alekseev, Alexey Veniaminovich (Dr. Econ. Sciences; 1961-).Modern priorities of state policy of improving the efficiency of the Russian economy: innovative aspects.Novosibirsk, 2016.
Improving the methods of organization and state regulation of innovative processes
Improving the methods of organization and state regulation of innovative processes.2016.
Improving the activities of companies with state participation based on innovative development programs
Improving the activities of companies with state participation based on innovative development programs.2015.
The estimate of the War Ministry for the General Staff .... for 1916
Russia. Military Ministry. Main Headquarters
The estimate of the War Ministry for the General Staff .... for 1916. [St. Petersburg: B. and., [1866] -1916]. [1915]. |
Resource support for innovative activities in the field of scientific research and development
Resource support for innovative activities in the field of research and development.2021.
The effectiveness of state support measures for poor households in modern Russia
The effectiveness of state support of poor households in modern Russia.2011.
Expenditures on national defense: the concept and evolution of financial and legal regulation
Komyagin, Dmitry Lvovich Expenditures on national defense: the concept and evolution of financial and legal regulation. Moscow, 2009. |
The submission of the Military Ministry on May 9, 1911 to the Council of Ministers on the release of funds for the maintenance of the fortress of Mykolayiv-on-Amur with the enclosures of the Minister of Finance and the State Comptroller
Russia. Council of Ministers. The submission of the War Ministry on May 9, 1911 to the Council of Ministers on the release of funds for the maintenance of the fortress of Mykolayiv-on-Amur with the enclosures of the Minister of Finance and the State Comptroller. 1911. |