Страхование. Социальное страхование. Социальное обеспечение. Социальная помощь
Материалы по теме
The history of the development of the Soviet insurance business in the period 1921-1928.
Anuhina, Natalya Viktorovna. History of the development of the Soviet insurance business in the period 1921-1928 gg. Kursk, 2008. |
Institutional aspects of the professionalization of social work
Zhikororentseva, Ulyana Vladimirovna. Institutional aspects of the professionalization of social work. Irkutsk, 2007. |
State legal regulation of insurance activity in the Russian Empire in the XIX-XX centuries
Zaguskin, Nikita Nikolaevich (1983-). State legal regulation of insurance activity in the Russian Empire in the XIX-XX centuries. St. Petersburg, 2008. |