Экономика отраслей строительства
Материалы по теме
The building charter, amended according to the continuations of 1863-1872 and supplemented by the decisions of the Criminal Cassation Department of the Governing Senate and circulars of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
Russia. Laws and regulations The building charter, amended according to the continuations of 1863-1872 and supplemented by the decisions of the Criminal Cassation Department of the Governing Senate and circulars of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. [Saint-Petersburg]: Type. M. O. Ettinger, 1874. |
Construction and repair of public roads in the 1725-1796 g .. Organization of road economy of the Russian Empire
Kalinin, Mikhail.Construction and repair of public roads in the 1725-1796 g .. Organization of road economy of the Russian Empire.Moscow, 2018.
Sputnik on the Moscow-Vindavsky Railway
Sputnik along the Moscow-Vindavsky railway.1909.
Estimates and plans of buildings for rural primary schools
Vladimir Province Zemstvo Board
Estimates and plans of buildings for rural primary schools. Vladimir on the Klyazma: Tipo-lit. Lips. earth. council, 1900. |
Regional socio-economic policy in the field of housing construction
Buzulutsky, Mikhail Igorevich.Regional socio-economic policy in the field of housing construction.Moscow, 2019.
The development of rural construction in the Lower Volga region (1965 - 1975)
Protopopova, Inna Nikolaevna. Development of rural construction in the Lower Volga region (1965 - 1975). Saratov, 2007. |
Legal support of construction quality
Maulenov, Kasym Syrabayevich (Candidate of Legal Sciences). Legal maintenance of construction quality. Kharkov, 1983. |
Resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR and the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) "On the construction of NKPS No. 1" [the tunnel under the Dnieper]
Ф. 17. Постановление СНК СССР и ЦК ВКП(б) "О строительстве № 1 НКПС" [тоннеля под Днепром]. |
The regulation on the administrative and economic management zemstvo Vladimir province of highways in this province, with benefits from the treasury
Vladimir Province Zemstvo Board
Regulations on the administrative and economic management zemstvo Vladimir province of highways in this province, with benefits from the treasury. Vladimir on Klyazma: Typo-lithography of the Provincial Zemstvo Administration, 1897. |
Provisions on provincial and regional construction and road commissions
Russia. Laws and regulations Provisions on provincial and regional construction and road commissions. [Saint-Petersburg]: Type. Ch. Exercise. put. messages. and public. buildings, [1854]. |