Всеобщая история политической мысли

Всеобщая история политической мысли

Материалы по теме

Draft open letter of ECCI secretary A. Marty to the editor-in-chief of "Populer" L. Blum about libel against the Soviet Union, about the policy of France and other European countries before the war, about the reasons for the defeat of Poland and other iss

Ф. 495.
Проект открытого письма секретаря ИККИ А. Марти главному редактору "Попюлер" Л. Блюму о клевете на Советский Союз, о политике Франции и других европейских стран перед войной, о причинах поражения Польши и по другим вопросам.

Appeal of the Central Committee of the German Communist Party “Denouncing the anti-Soviet campaign against the II International. Against war and Fascism ”, approved by the Political Committee of the Political Secretariat of the Comintern Executive Committ

Appeal of the Central Committee of the German Communist Party “Denouncing the anti-Soviet campaign against the II International. Against war and Fascism”, approved by the Political Committee of the Political Secretariat of the Comintern Executive Committee. Original.
