Внутренняя политика и внутреннее положение в целом
Материалы по теме
Ethnopolitical concepts of ethnonational communities and individuals
Fadeicheva, Marianna Alfredovna (Doctor of Political Science). Ethnopolitical concepts of ethnonational communities and individuals. Ekaterinburg, 2004. |
Electronic voting as a mechanism of political participation: Russian and foreign experience.2022.
Evolution of the concept of international civil society in the twentieth century
Gashenko, Akim Yurievich. Evolution of the concept of international civil society in the XX century. St. Petersburg, 2014. |
The phenomenon of ethnicity in the context of globalization
Zakirova, Adherelia Zhamilevna.The phenomenon of ethnicity in the context of globalization.Nizhny Novgorod, 2016.
Federalism: political and institutional organization and practice of functioning
Rodionova, Antonida Kuzminichna
Federalism: the political and institutional organization and practice of functioning. Chita, 2009. |
Technologies for maintaining political stability in the mechanism for ensuring national security: Russian and foreign experience
Technologies for maintaining political stability in the mechanism for ensuring national security: Russian and foreign experience.2017.
Comparative analysis of political systems: the theoretical and methodological aspect: the author's abstract of the dis. ... candidate of political science: 23.00.01
Gaidt, Anna Yurievna. Comparative analysis of political systems: the theoretical and methodological aspect: the author's abstract of the dis. ... candidate of political sciences: 23.00.01. Moscow, 2016. |
Social policy as a component of public policy: political analysis of Russian and foreign experience
Social policy as a component of public policy: political analysis of Russian and foreign experience.2015.
The state and development trends of the political culture of student youth in modern society (socio-philological analysis)
State and development trends of political culture of student youth in modern society (social-philological analysis). 2010. |
Advisory bodies at federal agencies
Garifullina, Guzel Angamovna. Consultative bodies with federal agencies. Moscow, 2013. |