Внешняя политика и международные отношения в целом
Материалы по теме
Terrorism as a threat to Russia's border security in the context of globalization
Zykov, Igor Anatolievich (candidate of political sciences). Terrorism as a threat to Russia's border security in the context of globalization. Moscow, 2010. |
Terrorism as a threat to Russia's national security: the conceptual framework, the policy of counteraction
Shchekochikhina, Tatyana Nikolaevna (candidate of political sciences). Terrorism as a threat to Russia's national security: the conceptual framework, the policy of counteraction. Moscow, 2008. |
Terrorism as a socio-political phenomenon: the origins, forms and dynamics of development in modern conditions
Lazarev, Nikolay Yakovlevich (candidate of political sciences). Terrorism as a socio-political phenomenon: the origins, forms and dynamics of development in modern conditions. Moscow, 2007. |
Terrorism as an anti-cultural phenomenon of our time
Terrorism as an anti-cultural phenomenon of modernity. 2015. |
Terrorism in a Globalizing World: a Methodological Aspect
Lyubarsky, Evgeny Sergeevich Terrorism in the Globalizing World: a Methodological Aspect. Moscow, 2010. |
Trends in the development of trade and economic cooperation between the BRICS countries
Pelevina, Ksenia Aleksandrovna (candidate of economic sciences). Trends in the development of trade and economic cooperation of the BRICS countries. Moscow, 2013. |
Tajikistan in modern international processes: conceptual bases, forms of participation and prospects
Ignatov, Alexei Viktorovich. Tajikistan in modern international processes: conceptual bases, forms of participation and perspective. Dushanbe;, 2016; Bishkek. |
Sovereignty as a political and legal phenomenon
Bredikhin, Alexey Leonidovich. Sovereignty as a politico-legal phenomenon. Belgorod, 2011. |
Strategic potential and the tools of influence of the BRICS group in terms of transformation of the world order
Polozhevich, S. Roman.Strategic potential and the tools of influence of the BRICS group in terms of transformation of the world order.Moscow, 2018.
Stalingrad-Volgograd in motion sister-cities in 1943-1991 years
Maksimov, Vladimir Borisovich. Stalingrad-Volgograd in motion sister-cities in 1943-1991. Volgograd, 2013. |