Внешняя политика и международные отношения Российской Федерации
Материалы по теме
Ethnopolitical aspect in the Russian-Latvian relations at the present stage
Sazonov, Diana Petrovna. Ethnopolitical aspect in the Russian-Latvian relations at the present stage. Moscow, 2008. |
Ethnopolitical organizations in the Komi Republic: political orientations and political practices
Fomin, Denis Vasilyevich. Ethnopolitical organizations in the Komi Republic: political orientations and political practices. Syktyvkar, 2011. |
Energy Dialogue between Russia and the European Union: the Geopolitical Aspect
Rumyantsev, Alexander Alexandrovich. The Energy Dialogue between Russia and the European Union: a Geopolitical Aspect. Moscow, 2010. |
Energy factor in Russian-American relations in a globalizing world
Godina, Grigory Vladimirovich. The energy factor in Russian-American relations in a globalizing world. Moscow, 2011. |
There is no energy factor in international relations in the Arctic
There is no energy factor in international relations in the Arctic.2018.
Energy aspects of Russia's foreign policy
Kondakov, Sergey Alexandrovich. Energy aspects of Russia's foreign policy. Moscow, 2012. |
Russia's energy policy as a factor in ensuring national security
Tanaylov, Sergey Valerievich Energy policy of Russia as a factor of ensuring national security. Moscow, 2011. |
Russia's energy policy in the context of Russia-EU relations
Bratkovsky, Kirill Vasilievich. Russia's energy policy in the context of Russia-EU relations. Moscow, 2010. |
Energy security of the Slovak Republic in the context of relations between the Russian Federation and the European Union
Patsek, Maxim. Energy security of the Slovak Republic in the context of relations between the Russian Federation and the European Union. St. Petersburg, 2011. |
Extremism as a form of legal nihilism in modern Russia
Senin, Igor Nikolaevich (Candidate of Legal Sciences). Extremism as a form of legal nihilism in modern Russia. Saratov, 2011. |