Революционно-демократические (национально-демократические) партии
Материалы по теме
Socialist competition in the Urals
Socialist competition in the Urals.Sverdlovsk: ed.Uralprofsoveta, 1930.
The Socialist Manifesto of the War
The Zimmerwald International Socialist Conference (2, Berne, Kienthal, 1916).
Socialist Manifesto of the War. Moscow: the publication of the Moscow Circle., [1917]. |
Covering letter of the ECCI secretaries G. Dimitrov and DZ Manuilsky to JV Stalin with the attachment of the ECCI draft theses "War and the tasks of the Communists"
Ф. 17. Сопроводительное письмо секретарей ИККИ Г. Димитрова и Д. З. Мануильского И. В. Сталину с приложением проекта тезисов ИККИ "Война и задачи коммунистов". |
A cover letter from the General Secretary of the ECCI G. Dimitrov to a member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) A.A. Zhdanov with the attachment of a draft declaration of the French Communist Party on
Ф. 495. Сопроводительное письмо генерального секретаря ИККИ Г. Димитрова члену Политбюро ЦК ВКП(б) А. А. Жданову с приложением проекта декларации французской компартии о политическом банкротстве французского правительства, о необходимости защитить независимость и целостность Франции. |
Summary of the situation in Romania, compiled for the Secretariat of the ECCI Secretary V. Pica
Ф. 495. Сводка об обстановке в Румынии, составленная для Секретариата секретаря ИККИ В. Пика. |
The role of the communist international in the system of Soviet broadcasting on foreign countries (1935-1943)
The role of the communist international in the system of Soviet broadcasting on foreign countries (1935-1943).2018.
Resolution on the planned Fascist coup d'état in Estonia, approved by the Political Committee of the Comintern Political Secretariat. Original
Resolution on the planned Fascist coup d’état in Estonia, approved by the Political Committee of the Comintern Political Secretariat. Original.
Draft headnotes of the XIII Plenary Session of the Comintern Executive Committee “Fascism, the Threat of War, and the Tasks of Communist Parties”, adopted as guidelines by the Praesidium of the Comintern Executive Committee. Copy
Draft headnotes of the XIII Plenary Session of the Comintern Executive Committee “Fascism, the Threat of War, and the Tasks of Communist Parties”, adopted as guidelines by the Praesidium of the Comintern Executive Committee. Copy.
Draft article by the Secretary General of the ECCI G. Dimitrov "War and the working class of the capitalist countries"
Ф. 495. Проект статьи генерального секретаря ИККИ Г. Димитрова "Война и рабочий класс капиталистических стран". |
Draft program of the Russian Communist Youth League and correspondence with the Executive Committee of the Communist International on economic issues
Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR (SNK RSFSR). Draft program of the Russian Communist Youth League and correspondence with the Executive Committee of the Communist International on economic issues. |