Политические партии Российской Федерации
Материалы по теме
Multi-party system in conditions of transition systems
Gerasimov, Dmitry Sergeevich (candidate of political sciences). A multi-party system in conditions of transition systems. Moscow, 2009. |
Multi-party system in the formation and development of civil society in modern Russia
Ananyeva, Marina Kabdrashevna (candidate of political sciences). Multi-party system in the formation and development of civil society in modern Russia. Saratov, 2009. |
Multi-party system in modern Russia: the role of the state
Tolochko, Alexander Vladimirovich. Multi-party system in modern Russia: the role of the state. Voronezh, 2011. |
Multi-party system in the Russian Federation: history, theory, practice, modernity
Gagieva, Natalia Ruslanbekovna Multi-party system in the Russian Federation: history, theory, practice, modernity. Saint-Petersburg, 2008. |
Inter-party competition in modern conditions of Russia and Germany: comparative analysis
Goncharov, Leonid Alexandrovich. Inter-party competition in modern conditions of Russia and Germany: comparative analysis. Voronezh, 2008. |
Liberal parties in modern Russia: formation, development, prospects
Hanukaeva, Inna Rostislavovna (candidate of political sciences). Liberal parties in modern Russia: formation, development, prospects. Moscow, 2008. |
Liberal parties in the political spectrum of modern Russia
Golovchenko, Anton Vladimirovich. Liberal parties in the political spectrum of modern Russia. Saratov, 2008. |
Liberal parties in the political spectrum of modern Russia
Golovchenko, Anton Vladimirovich (candidate of political sciences). Liberal parties in the political spectrum of modern Russia. Saratov, 2008. |
The left and the beginning of the XX century: a paradigm shift
Samarskaya, Elena Aleksandrovna (Doctor of Political Science). Left beginnings and the end of the 20th century: the paradigm shift. Moscow, 2003. |
Conceptualization of problems of the functionality of political parties in domestic political science
Tretyakov, Dmitry Gennadievich. Conceptualization of problems of the functionality of political parties in domestic political science. Saratov, 2015. |