Рабочее и профсоюзное движение Российской Федерации
Материалы по теме
Forms of social partnership on Russian labor law
Borodin, Igor Ivanovich.Forms of social partnership on Russian labor law.Moscow, 2007.
Social partnership in the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Russian Federation, Republic of Kazakhstan: comparative legal analysis
Sidakhmedov, Akhrorbek Igamemberdievich.Social partnership in the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Russian Federation, the Republic of Kazakhstan: a comparative legal analysis.Moscow, 2011.
Collection of directives of central party and professional organizations
Collection of directives of central party and professional organizations. Tobolsk: [б. and.], [1931]. |
The role of free trade unions in the political system of modern Russia
Prasolov, Valery Ivanovich
The role of free trade unions in the political system of modern Russia. Moscow, 2011. |
Resolutions of the 1st Tyumen District Trade Union Conference (November 19-23, 1925) and the 1st District Conference of Club Workers (November 12-15, 1925)
The Tyumen District Conference of Trade Unions (1, 1925).
Resolutions of the 1st Tyumen District Trade Union Conference (November 19-23, 1925) and the 1st District Conference of Club Workers (November 12-15, 1925). Tyumen: the ed. Tyumen Okhrprofbyuro, 1925. |
Development of a management system of trade union organization students of a higher educational institution
Development of a management system of a trade union organization of students of a higher educational institution.2013.
Trade unions as a social institution of a transforming Russian society
Sunarchina, Munira Munirovna. Trade unions as a social institution of a transforming Russian society. Ufa, 2004. |
Principles of organizational construction of trade unions
Tomsky, Mikhail Pavlovich (1880-1936). Principles of organizational construction of trade unions. Moscow: Izd. The All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions, 1923. |
The main forms of social partnership in Russia and Germany: a comparative legal analysis
Kazakov, Sergey Olegovich. The main forms of social partnership in Russia and Germany: a comparative legal analysis. Moscow, 2015. |
Announcement of work in the PR-commission of the trade union committee of students and post-graduate students of SPbGUKI
Announcement of work in the PR-commission of the trade union committee of students and post-graduate students of SPbGUKI. |