Право. Юридические науки
Отрасли права 13282
- Административное право
- Гражданско-процессуальное право (гражданский процесс)
- Гражданское и торговое право. Семейное право
- Земельное (аграрное) право. Горное право. Лесное право. Водное право
- Конституционное (государственное) право
- Кооперативное право
- Международное право
- Трудовое право и право социального обеспечения
- Уголовно-исполнительное право (пенитенциария)
- Уголовно-процессуальное право (уголовный процесс)
- Уголовное право
- Финансовое право
Материалы по теме
Complicity in the civil process of Russia and the USA
Goncharova, Olga Sergeevna.Complicity in the civil process of Russia and the USA.Yekaterinburg, 2012.
The second round of the election of the President of the Russian Federation took place // Annals of settlements of the Belgorod region. 3 July
Chronicle of settlements of the Belgorod region. The second round of the elections of the President of the Russian Federation took place. |
The 2nd round of the election of the President of the Russian Federation took place. // Annals of settlements of the Belgorod region. 3 July
Chronicle of settlements of the Belgorod region. The second round of the presidential elections took place in the Russian Federation. |
Re-election of the President of the Russian Federation took place // Annals of the settlements of the Belgorod region. June 16
Chronicle of settlements of the Belgorod region. Re-election of the President of the Russian Federation took place. |
The election of the President of the Russian Federation // Annals of settlements of the Belgorod region. June 16
Chronicle of settlements of the Belgorod region. The election of the President of the Russian Federation took place. |
Elections were held heads of local government // Annals of settlements of the Belgorod region. March 17
Chronicle of settlements Belgorod region. Election of the head of local government took place. |
Correlation of the norms of the constitutional law of Russia and international law while ensuring personal rights of a person and citizen
Stepkin, Evgeny Yurievich Correlation of the norms of the constitutional law of Russia and international law while ensuring the personal rights of a person and a citizen. Moscow, 2004. |
The correlation between "WTO rights" and the national law of the member states
Ratio of "WTO rights" and national law of the Member States. 2016 |
Compatriots living abroad as a factor of national security of modern Russia
Vysheslavov, Vladimir Vitalievich (candidate of political sciences). Compatriots living abroad, as a factor of national security of modern Russia. Stavropol, 2009. |