Право. Юридические науки
Отрасли права 13281
- Административное право
- Гражданско-процессуальное право (гражданский процесс)
- Гражданское и торговое право. Семейное право
- Земельное (аграрное) право. Горное право. Лесное право. Водное право
- Конституционное (государственное) право
- Кооперативное право
- Международное право
- Трудовое право и право социального обеспечения
- Уголовно-исполнительное право (пенитенциария)
- Уголовно-процессуальное право (уголовный процесс)
- Уголовное право
- Финансовое право
Материалы по теме
The formation of the modern state of Russia's policy in the field of tourism
Kuznetsov, Sergey (PhD in Political Science).The formation of the modern state of Russia's policy in the sphere of tourism.Moscow, 2008.
Formation of legal culture in the process of legal education
Aleshina, Elena Anzorovna
Formation of legal culture in the process of legal education. Rostov-on-Don, 2008. |
Formation of international natural resources law
Vasilenko, Ekaterina Vladimirovna (Candidate of Legal Sciences). Formation of international natural resources law. Rostov-on-Don, 2016. |
Formation and implementation of the state policy of the Russian Federation in the field of forced migration
Volokh, Vladimir Alexandrovich (candidate of political sciences). Formation and implementation of the state policy of the Russian Federation in the sphere of forced migration. Moscow, 2007. |
Formation of a common information space of an integration union in the customs sphere
Ermakova, Valeria Valeryevna. Formation of a common information space of an integration union in the customs sphere. Moscow, 2015. |
Financial and legal regulation of the gold and foreign exchange reserves of the Russian Federation
There are no financial and legal regulation of the Goldoval Missile Reserves of the Russian Federation.2018.
Phenomena "nation" and "nationalism": problems of history and theory
Mukanova, Anastasia Sergeevna (candidate of historical sciences). Phenomena "nation" and "nationalism": problems of history and theory. Izhevsk, 2010. |
The phenomenon of terrorism in modern society
White, Ekaterina Vladimirovna (candidate of sociological sciences). The phenomenon of terrorism in modern society. Moscow, 2005. |
The factor of space security in modern world political processes
Manzhula, Ekaterina Alexandrovna. The factor of space security in modern world political processes. St. Petersburg, 2013. |
Actual communities in modern Russian law (theoretical and legal study)
Tsukanova, Elena Yuryevna.Actual communities in modern Russian law (theoretical and legal study).Belgorod, 2021.