Наследственное право
Материалы по теме
Constitutional and legal status of the family in the Russian Federation
Ageeva, Alena Viktorovna. The constitutional and legal status of the family in the Russian Federation. Chelyabinsk, 2014. |
Constitutional and legal protection of minors in modern Russia (on the example of the Central Federal District)
Degtyareva, Lesya Nikolaevna Constitutional and legal protection of minors in modern Russia (on the example of the Central Federal District). Yelets, 2010. |
Constitutional and legal protection of minors in modern Russia
Degtyareva, Lesya Nikolaevna (Candidate of Legal Sciences). Constitutional and legal protection of minors in modern Russia. Belgorod, 2010. |
The constitutional obligation of parents to take care of children in the Russian Federation
Korduba, Svetlana Borisovna. The constitutional obligation of parents to take care of children in the Russian Federation. Saratov, 2011. |
Code of laws on marriage, family and guardianship
The RSFSR. Laws, regulations, etc. Code of laws on marriage, family and guardianship. Rostov n / a: Admot. DIK, 1925. |
История функционирования и развития системы детских домов РСФСР в 1929-1941 гг.
Карасева, Анастасия Александровна. История функционирования и развития системы детских домов РСФСР в 1929-1941 гг.Москва, 2015. |
Institute of the foster family in the system of forms of the placement of children left without parental care in the Russian Federation
Danilova, Irina Sergeevna. Institute of the foster family in the system of forms of the arrangement of children left without parental care in the Russian Federation. Moscow, 2014. |
Institute of Alimony obligations in the Soviet system of rights and obligations of citizens: historical and legal research
The Institute of Alimony obligations in the Soviet system of the rights and obligations of citizens: historical and legal research.2022.
Protection of spouses, terminating marriage: Legal Nature, Forms and Means
Izmailov, Vitaly Viktorovich.Protection of the rights of spouses that divorce marriage: legal nature, forms and means.Moscow, 2019.
Protecting the rights and interests of children - citizens of Russia during their adoption by foreign citizens and stateless persons in the Russian Federation legislation
Abramova Svetlana Andreevna.Protecting the rights and interests of children - citizens of Russia during their adoption by foreign citizens and stateless persons in the Russian Federation legislation.Moscow, 2008.