Инженерные войска. Военно-инженерное дело
Материалы по теме
Device and machines drawings
Drawings of devices and machines.[B.M .: b.and., 1700-1725].
Fortification drawings
Fortification drawings.[B.M .: b.and., 1700-1760].
Centenary of the War Ministry. [T. 7]. Main engineering department
Centenary of the War Ministry. [T. 7]: Main engineering management. Part 1. [The reign of Emperor Alexander I. St. Petersburg: type. M.V. Wolf, 1902-1914. St. Petersburg: type. St. Petersburg. acc. Islands of the Pech. and writing. business in Russia "The Word", 1902. |
Centenary of the War Ministry. [T. 7]. Main engineering department
Centenary of the War Ministry. [T. 7]: Main engineering management. Part 1. [The reign of Emperor Alexander I. St. Petersburg: type. M.V. Wolf, 1902-1914. St. Petersburg: type. St. Petersburg. acc. Islands of the Pech. and writing. business in Russia "The Word", 1902. |
Message from Head of the Military Department of the Minsk Regional Committee of the Belorussian Communist Party Klebanov to the Military Department of the Central Committee of the Belorussian Communist Party about defensive structures and facilities on th
Ф. 4п. Сообщение зав. военным отделом Минского обкома КП(б) Белоруссии Клебанова в Военный отдел ЦК(б) Белоруссии о наличии оборонных сооружений и объектов на территории Минской области. |
Sappers in battles for Vienna
Ivolgin, A.I. Sapers in battles for Vienna.Moscow: Military.Publishing House of Mr. Armed.The forces of the USSR, 1946.
Order of the USSR GKO No. 3085 C about the Uspurfting of additional charges to 120-mm mines
F. 644.Order of the USSR GKO No. 3085 C about the Uspurping of additional charges to 120-mm mines.
The submission of the Military Ministry on May 9, 1911 to the Council of Ministers on the release of funds for the maintenance of the fortress of Mykolayiv-on-Amur with the enclosures of the Minister of Finance and the State Comptroller
Russia. Council of Ministers. The submission of the War Ministry on May 9, 1911 to the Council of Ministers on the release of funds for the maintenance of the fortress of Mykolayiv-on-Amur with the enclosures of the Minister of Finance and the State Comptroller. 1911. |
Resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR and the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks "On the production of embrasure boxes for defensive structures of fortified areas"
Ф. 17. Постановление СНК СССР и ЦК ВКП(б) "О производстве амбразурных коробов для оборонительных сооружений укрепленных районов". |