Теоретическая культурология
Материалы по теме
Social partnership of educational and leisure institutions on the formation of environmental culture of youth
Larina, Elena Alexandrovna.Social partnership of educational and leisure institutions on the formation of the environmental culture of youth.Tambov, 2013.
Dictionary of culture of the XX century
Rudnev, Vadim Petrovich. Dictionary of culture of the XX century. Moscow: Agraf, 1999. |
The semantics of the traditional dance culture of the Tuvans
Sanchay, Choygan Herel-Oolovna.The semantics of the traditional dance culture of the Tuvans.Krasnoyarsk: Tuvgu, 2020.
Representation of the hero’s image in Russian cinema of the XX-XXI centuries
Petrova, Alexandra Petrovna.Representation of the hero’s image in Russian cinema of the XX-XXI centuries.Chelyabinsk, 2021.
Intermediation regimes in the Soviet culture of the 1970s-the first half of the 1980s.(on cinema material)
Intermediation regimes in the Soviet culture of the 1970s-the first half of the 1980s.(on the material of the movie).2021.
Hairstyle as a phenomenon of culture and a means of sociocultural communication
Svetlichnaya, Irina Valerievna.Hairstyle as a phenomenon of culture and a means of sociocultural communication.Chelyabinsk, 2019.
Politics and Fashion
Politics and fashion. St. Petersburg: Presidential Library named after. Boris N. Yeltsin, 2011. |
Everyday culture as an invariant model of the being of a modern person
Nazarova, Natalya Valerievna.Everyday culture as an invariant model of the being of a modern person.Chelyabinsk, 2015.
The transition to a "different world" in the spiritual culture of medieval Rus (XIV-XVI centuries).
Donskoy, Gleb Genrikhovich. The transition to a "different world" in the spiritual culture of medieval Rus (XIV-XVI centuries). Moscow, 2011. |
Russian chandelier of the beginning of the XVIII - the first half of the XIX century: attribution, typology, principles of exhibiting
The Russian chandelier of the beginning of the XVIII - the first half of the XIX century: attribution, typology, principles of exhibiting.2021.