Воспитание в различных типах общеобразовательных школ и общежитиях школьников
Материалы по теме
The formation of aesthetic qualities of oral speech in the process of teaching younger students to narrative statements
Likhosherst, Julia Viktorovna.The formation of aesthetic qualities of oral speech in the process of teaching younger students to narrative statements.Chelyabinsk, 2015.
Formation of ecological culture of younger schoolchildren in after-hour activities in the conditions of the specially protected ecological and health resort region of the Caucasian Mineral Waters
Kocharyan, Lyudmila Borisovna (candidate of pedagogical sciences). Formation of ecological culture of younger schoolchildren in after-hour activities in the conditions of the specially protected ecological and resort region of the Caucasian Mineral Waters. Moscow, 2015. |
Formation of ecological competence of junior schoolchildren in after-hour activities
Litvinova, Olga Aleksandrovna (candidate of pedagogical sciences). Formation of ecological competence of junior schoolchildren in after-hour activities. Saratov, 2013. |
Formation of high school students' readiness for social and professional self-determination in the sphere of ecology
Cherkashin, Evgeny Olegovich (candidate of pedagogical sciences). Formation of high school students' readiness for social and professional self-determination in the sphere of ecology. Moscow, 2012. |
Development of the educational environment of a general education organization in conditions of social diversity
Zubova, Elena Ivanovna. Development of the educational environment of a general education organization in conditions of social diversity. Moscow, 2015. |
My family.Notes of the director of the Syktyvkar boarding school No. 1 for orphans.-(ped. Search: experience, problems, finds)
My family.Notes of the director of the Syktyvkar boarding school No. 1 for orphans.-(ped. Search: experience, problems, finds).1990.
The spiritual and moral education of younger students in the Russian classical gymnasium
The spiritual and moral education of younger students in the Russian classical gymnasium.2020.
The house of my children.Collection /Comp.L.V. Plaksina.Predwell.A.A. Likhanova.- 2nd ed.
The house of my children.Collection /Comp.L.V. Plaksina.Predwell.A.A. Likhanova.- 2nd edema, 1997.
Our forced union must be made happy: a collection of articles and performances /comp.L.V. Plaksin, V.A. Katolikov
Our forced union must be made happy: a collection of articles and performances /comp.L.V. Plaksin, V.A. Katolikov.2001.