Организация общеобразовательной школы
Материалы по теме
My family.Notes of the director of the Syktyvkar boarding school No. 1 for orphans.-(ped. Search: experience, problems, finds)
My family.Notes of the director of the Syktyvkar boarding school No. 1 for orphans.-(ped. Search: experience, problems, finds).1990.
Lydia L. - Musical employee Borovushinskogo orphanage
Lydia L. - Musical employee Borovushinskogo orphanage.Pos.Borovoy, Kemerovo Oblast, April 7, 1950.
Classroom mentoring in the educational system of the national gymnasium in the second half of the XIX-early XX century.
Ichetokin, Nadezhda Mikhailovna. Classroom mentoring in the educational system of the national gymnasium in the second half of the XIX-beginning of the XX century. Izhevsk, 2012. |
Classical gymnasiums and gymnasiums
Gorbunov, Klassical gymnasium and gymnasium.St. Petersburg: Type.V. Bezobrazova and Co., 1887.
Kamyshevatov House of Culture held a competition dedicated to the Day of March 8 "Come on, girls" // Annals of settlements of the Belgorod region. March 7
Chronicle of settlements of the Belgorod region. Kamyshevatov House of Culture held a competition dedicated to the Day of March 8 "Come on, girls." |
Corrected school network
Russia. Tver Province. Kalyazinskaya Uezd Zemstvo Board Corrected school network. [Kalyazin: B. and., 1901]. |
Instruction for city schools of departments of the Ministry of Education
Russia. Ministry of Education
Instruction for city schools of the Ministry of Education. Kiev: Type. Imp. Un-ta (VI Zavadsky), 1894. |
The building of women's progymnasium in the city of Kurgan, Tobolsk province
Technical and Construction Committee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The building of women's gymnasium in the city of Kurgan, Tobolsk province. |
Evdokia Ivanovna - head teacher Borovushinskogo orphanage
Evdokia Ivanovna - head teacher Borovushinskogo orphanage.Pos.Borovoy, Kemerovo Region, March 4, 1949.
The house of my children.Collection /Comp.L.V. Plaksina.Predwell.A.A. Likhanova.- 2nd ed.
The house of my children.Collection /Comp.L.V. Plaksina.Predwell.A.A. Likhanova.- 2nd edema, 1997.