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List of students and extraneous listeners of the Novorossiysk University .... ... for 1883-84 academic year
Novorossiysk University.(Odessa).List of students and foreign listeners of the Novorossiysk University ... Odessa, [1866] -1903.... for 1883-84 academic year.[1884].
List of students and extraneous listeners of the Novorossiysk University .... ... in the autumn half of the 1901-1902 academic year
Novorossiysk University.(Odessa).List of students and foreign listeners of the Novorossiysk University ... Odessa, [1866] -1903.... in the autumn half of the 1901-1902 school year.1901.
List of students and foreign listeners of the Novorossiysk University .... ... in the spring half of the year 1901-1902 academic year
Novorossiysk University.(Odessa).List of students and foreign listeners of the Novorossiysk University ... Odessa, [1866] -1903.... in the spring half year 1901-1902 academic year.1902.
List of students and extraneous listeners of the Novorossiysk University .... ... in the spring half year 1900-1901 academic year
Novorossiysk University.(Odessa).List of students and foreign listeners of the Novorossiysk University ... Odessa, [1866] -1903.... in the spring half year 1900-1901 of the school year.1901.
Modern problems of the state educational policy in the Russian Federation: the example of Moscow universities
Kakovkina, Natalia Vladimirovna (candidate of political sciences). Modern problems of the state educational policy in the Russian Federation: the example of Moscow universities. Moscow, 2010. |
Siberian Higher Women's Courses in Tomsk
Kuzminova, Ekaterina Fedorovna (candidate of historical sciences). Siberian higher women's courses in Tomsk. Tomsk, 2006. |

Electronic library of federal universities
Gildebrant, Alexander Egorovich. Electronic library of federal universities. St. Petersburg: Presidential Library, 2013 |
Saratov students: everyday life in the conditions of the formation and development of Soviet education in the provinces
Strebkova, Nadezhda Viktorovna. Saratov students: everyday life in the conditions of formation and development of Soviet education in the province. Saratov, 2015. |
The reform of the public sector of higher education in Russia in the second half of the 1980s-2001.
Shishikin, Vitaly Gennadievich (candidate of historical sciences). Reforming the public sector of higher education in Russia in the second half of 1980s-2001. Tomsk, 2011. |
Regulation of the order of awarding academic degrees in the pre-revolutionary and Soviet periods: a comparative legal analysis
Ishanova, Marina Valentinovna Regulation of the order of awarding academic degrees in the pre-revolutionary and Soviet periods: a comparative legal analysis. Elets, 2007. |