Всеобщая история образования и педагогической мысли
Материалы по теме
Comparative analysis of the development of ideas about the system of spiritual values in the domestic pedagogy and pedagogy of emigration in the 20-30s. XX century
Scriabin, Darya Yurievna. Comparative analysis of the development of ideas about the system of spiritual values in the domestic pedagogy and pedagogy of emigration in the 20-30s. XX century. Izhevsk, 2011. |
Reports of the correspondent of the Ministry of Education of the Professor of the University of Abbot Misho on public education and upbringing
Department of People's Education of the Ministry of Education (1803-1917).Reports of the correspondent of the Ministry of Education of the Professor of Bernian University Abbot Misho on public education and education.
Development of women's education
Ovtsyn, Vladimir
Development of women's education. St. Petersburg: type. I.N. Skorokhodova, 1887. |
Regulation on the management of women's educational institutions
Council of Women's Educational Institutions
Regulations on the management of women's educational institutions. Sankt-Petersburg: In the Type. Second Otd. Own. His Imp. Majesty of the Chancery, 1845. |
Essays on the history of pedagogical teachings
Essays on the history of pedagogical teachings. Moscow: The Good, 1911. |
Essays on the history of pedagogy in the West and in Russia
Zolotarev, Sergey Alekseevich (1872-1941). Essays on the history of pedagogy in the West and in Russia. Vologda: State Publishing House, Vologda Regional Department, 1922. |
Public education and universities in the Middle Ages
Ivanovsky, Vladimir Nikolayevich (1867-1931).
Public education and universities in the Middle Ages. Moscow: Type. AI Mamontova, 1898. |
Public education in civilized countries.Edition O.N.Popova.T. 1
Levasser.E. Narodic education in civilized countries.T. 1. 1898.
Public education
Lavelle, Emile Louis Victor de (1822-1892). Public education. St. Petersburg: type. F. S. Sushchinsky, 1873. |
Musical education of children in schools and non-school institutions of the Russian Diaspora (1920-1930-ies)
Mamaev, Nadezhda Pavlovna.Musical education of children in schools and non-school institutions of the Russian Diaspora (1920-1930-ies).Perm, 2019.