Организация библиотечного дела в зарубежных странах
Материалы по теме
On awarding the Certificate of Honor of the President of the Russian Federation Billington D. X
Russian Federation. President (2008-; DA Medvedev).
About rewarding with the Certificate of honor of the President of the Russian Federation Billington D.H. Moscow, 2009. |
On awarding the Order of Friendship Billington D.H. and Simington D.V.
Russian Federation. President (2004-2008, V.V. Putin).
On awarding the Order of Friendship Billington D.H. and Simington D. V. Moscow, 2008. |
Illustrated description of the new Library of Congress in Washington
Small, Herbert. Illustrated description of the new Library of Congress in Washington. Moscow: GV Yudin published with the consent of Curtis and Cameron in Boston, 1910. |
The Library Assembly of Eurasia convened in the Presidential Library [Photo]
The Library Assembly of Eurasia assembled in the Presidential Library [Photo]. St. Petersburg: Presidential Library, 2010. |