Филологические науки в целом
Материалы по теме
Something about the language and preliminary notes to Russian grammar
Modryu, Peter. Something about the language and preliminary notes to the Russian grammar. St. Petersburg: in the printing house I. Baykov, 1810. |
Short guide to eloquence
Lomonosov, Mikhail Vasilyevich (1711-1765).Quick guide to eloquence.St. Petersburg: IMP.Acad.Science, 1748.
Short guide to eloquence
Lomonosov, Mikhail.Quick guide to eloquence.St. Petersburg: IMP.Acad.Science, 1810.
Inaugural speech as a tool for forming a political image in the context of the Russian rhetorical tradition
Ilyicheva, Valeria Vladimirovna (candidate of philological sciences). Inaugural speech as a tool for forming a political image in the context of the Russian rhetorical tradition. Moscow, 2015. |
Известия Историко-филологического института князя Безбородко в Нежине. Т. 23 1907
Nezhinsky Institute of History and Philology of the book. Bezborodko. Proceedings of the Historical and Philological Institute of Prince Bezborodko in Nezhin. Nezhin, 1877-1916. Vol. 23 1907. Nezhin: Tipo-lithography by V. Melenevsky's heirs, 1907. |
Notes of the Historical and Philological Faculty of St. Petersburg University. Part 95. Collection of Greek unreleased theological texts of the IV-XV centuries
Notes of the Historical and Philological Faculty of St. Petersburg University. Ч. 95: Collection of Greek unreleased theological texts of the IV-XV centuries. 1909. |
Notes of the Historical and Philological Faculty of the St. Petersburg University. Part 9. Moravia and the Magyars from the middle of the 9th to the beginning of the 10th century
Imperial St. Petersburg University. Historical and Philological Faculty. Notes of the Historical and Philological Faculty of the St. Petersburg University. St. Petersburg, 1876-1917. Film Grot, Konstantin Yakovlevich (1853-1934). Ch 9: Moravia and the Magyars from the middle of the 9th to the beginning of the 10th century. 1881. |
Notes of the Historical and Philological Faculty of the St. Petersburg University. Part 66. Byzantium and the Arabs. Political relations of Byzantium and the Arabs during the Macedonian dynasty
Imperial St. Petersburg University. Historical and Philological Faculty. Notes of the Historical and Philological Faculty of the St. Petersburg University. St. Petersburg, 1876-1917. Ch 66: Byzantium and the Arabs; Political relations of Byzantium and the Arabs during the Macedonian dynasty. 1902. |
Notes of the Historical and Philological Faculty of the St. Petersburg University. Ch 57. In memory of Alexander Pushkin
Imperial St. Petersburg University. Historical and Philological Faculty. Notes of the Historical and Philological Faculty of the St. Petersburg University. St. Petersburg, 1876-1917. Ch 57: In memory of Alexander Pushkin. 1900. |
Notes of the Historical and Philological Faculty of the St. Petersburg University. 32. Church Slavonic Elements in Contemporary Literary and Folk Russian
Imperial St. Petersburg University. Historical and Philological Faculty. Notes of the Historical and Philological Faculty of the St. Petersburg University. St. Petersburg, 1876-1917. Ch 32: Church Slavonic Elements in Contemporary Literary and Folk Russian. 1893. |