Материалы по теме
[On the approval of the Council on the Russian language under the Government of the Russian Federation]
Russian Federation. Government. [On the approval of the Council on the Russian language under the Government of the Russian Federation]. Moscow, 2013. |
[On the approval of the Concept of the Federal Target Program "Russian Language" for 2016-2020]
Russian Federation. Government. [On the approval of the Concept of the Federal Target Program "Russian Language" for 2016-2020]. Moscow, 2014. |
[On Approving the Concept of Teaching Russian Language and Literature in the Russian Federation]
Russian Federation. Government. [On the approval of the Concept of Teaching Russian Language and Literature in the Russian Federation]. Moscow, 2016. |
[Civil ABC with moralizing]
[The alphabet of the civil with moralizing]. Film [Moscow, January 1710]. |
Metaphorical modeling of the foreign policy discourse of Russia and the USA
Belov, Evgeny Sergeevich (candidate of philological sciences). Metaphorical modeling of foreign policy discourse in Russia and the United States. Ekaterinburg, 2011. |
Lexicon palaeoslovenico-graeco-latinum
Miklosich, Franc (1813-1891). Lexicon palaeoslovenico-graeco-latinum. Vindobonae, 1862-1865. |
[Griechisch elementargrammatik]
Kuhner.[Griechisch elementargrammatik].[Hannover: B. and., 1859].
An Account of the Natives of the Tonga Islands, in the South Pacific Ocean.Vol.2
Martin.John.An Account of the Natives of the Tonga Islands, in the South Pacific Ocean.Vol.2. 1818.
An Account of the Natives of the Tonga Islands, in the South Pacific Ocean.Vol.1
Martin.John.An Account of the Natives of the Tonga Islands, in the South Pacific Ocean.Vol.1. 1818.
30,000 foreign words that are now in use in Russian, with an explanation of their roots
Mikhelson, Alexey Davydovich. 30,000 foreign words that have been used in Russian, with an explanation of their roots. Moscow: own ed. Authors., 1866. |