Русский язык. Перевод
Материалы по теме
Russian-Kazakh Military Dictionary
Russian-Kazakh military dictionary. Alma-Ata: KazOGIZ, 1942. |
Translations of Christian books into foreign languages in the first half of the XIX century.
Prokopiev, Konstantin Prokopievich
Translations of Christian books into foreign languages in the first half of the XIX century .. Kazan: Typo-liter. Imp. Un-ta, 1904. |
Linguo-textological study of Prolog for the September half-year on the lists of XII - early XV centuries.
Prokopenko, Larisa Viktorovna (Candidate of Philology). Lingvotekstologicheskoe study Prolog for the September half-year on the lists of XII - early XV centuries. Moscow, 2009. |
To the question of translations into foreign languages
Chrysanthus (Schetkovsky, Khristofor Petrovich, 1869-1906).
Still to the question of translations into foreign languages. Kazan: Typo-lit. Un-ta, 1904. |
Military Russian-Tajik Dictionary
Military Russian-Tajik Dictionary. Stalinabad: State Publishing House of Tajikistan, 1942. |