Материалы по теме
Language of Pushkin
Vinogradov, V.Yazyk Pushkin. Moscow: Academia, 1935; Leningrad. |
The artistic world of the lyric-epic by AA Akhmatova in the modern interpretation and criticism of the last decade
Slabkikh, Ksenia Eduardovna (Candidate of Philology). The artistic world of the lyric-epic by AA Akhmatova in the modern interpretation and criticism of the last decade. Moscow, 2010. |
Artistic and philosophical understanding of the First World War in the Russian poetry of 1914-1918.in historical and cultural context of the epoch
Gerasimov, Irina Fedorovna.Artistic and philosophical understanding of the First World War in the Russian poetry of 1914-1918.in historical and cultural context of the epoch.Moscow 2013.
The artistic evolution of fantastic forms in the creative work of NS Leskov
Rudometkin, Igor Vladimirovich (candidate of philological sciences). The artistic evolution of fantastic forms in the creative work of N. S. Leskov. Voronezh, 2008. |
Art anthropology Chekhov: the existential aspect
Zaitsev, Tatiana B. (cand. Filol. Sciences).Art anthropology Chekhov: existential aspect.Ekaterinburg 2015.
Christian motives in the work of A.I.Solzhenitsyna
Christian motives in the work of A.I.Solzhenitsyna.2007.
Phraseologisms with components-somatisms in the literary texts of M.A.Sholokhov
Phraseologisms with components-somatisms in the literary texts of M.A.Sholokhov.2015.
Forms of expression of the author's consciousness in the novel by M. A. Sholokhov "Quiet Flows the Don"
Prikhodchenko, Petr Ivanovich (Candidate of Philology). Forms of expression of the author's consciousness in the novel by M. A. Sholokhov "Quiet Flows the Don". Arzamas, 2008. |
Philosophical Publicistics of Modern Russia: Genesis and Cognition Potential
Philosophical Publicistics of Modern Russia: Genesis and Cognition Potential. 2016 |
F.M. Dostoevsky and LN Tolstoy in the 1870s (creative dialogue and typological parallels)
F.M. Dostoevsky and LN Tolstoy in the 1870s (creative dialogue and typological parallels). 2015. |