Искусство. Искусствознание
Музыкальные произведения (нотные издания) 44
- Вокально-симфонические произведения
- Вокальные произведения
- Другие жанры и виды музыкальных произведений
- Инструментальные произведения
- Музыкально-сценические произведения. Музыка к постановкам и кинофильмам
- Нотные материалы для изучения истории музыки
- Нотные материалы для изучения теории музыки
- Произведения народного творчества (музыкальный фольклор)
- Сборники произведений разных композиторов для разных средств исполнения
- Собрания сочинений. Сборники произведений одного композитора для разных средств исполнения
- Тематические сборники произведений для разных средств исполнения
Материалы по теме
So that the connection of times does not fall apart ...
Karatygina, Tatyana Feodorovna So that the connection of the times does not break up .... Moscow: Moscow. state. University of Culture and Art, 2005. |
The artistic life of Altai in the second half of the XX century based on the materials of the local periodical press
Artemova, Alexandra Nikolaevna. The artistic life of Altai in the second half of the XX century on the basis of local periodicals. Barnaul, 2016. |
Fedor Ivanovich Karatygin: a teacher, a scientist, a man who stood at the origins of the Moscow State University of Culture and Arts
Fedor Ivanovich Karatygin: a teacher, a scientist, a man who stood at the origins of MGUKI. Moscow: Moscow State University of Culture and Arts, 2009. |
Theater Journal in Russia: Genesis and Typology
Shur, Julia Evgenievna (candidate of philological sciences).Theater Journal in Russia: Genesis and Typology.Moscow, 2014.
Theatrical magazine "Artist" in the literary process of 1880-1890-ies
Zhilina, Anastasia Vladimirovna. Theatrical magazine "Artist" in the literary process of 1880-1890-ies. Omsk, 2011. |
S. Diaghilev Theater "Russian Ballet" (1912 - 1929): aesthetic discoveries and significance for stage art of the 20th century
Polisadova, Olga Nikolaevna (candidate of art history).S. Diaghilev Theater "Russian Ballet" (1912 - 1929): aesthetic discoveries and significance for stage art of the 20th century.St. Petersburg: Publishing House of the Vladimir State University named after Alexander Grigoryevich and Nikolai Grigoryevich Stoletov, 2017;Vladimir
Old years. 1909, July-September. [Essays on the art of Moscow Russia in the seventeenth century]
Old years. St. Petersburg: P. P. Weiner, 1907-1916. 1909, July-September: [Essays on the art of Moscow Russia in the seventeenth century]. 1909. |
Old School (Syktyvkar)
Ivanov, Fedor Nikolaevich (Candidate of Historical Sciences; 1981-).Old school (Syktyvkar).Syktyvkar, May 16, 2016.