Театр кукол
Материалы по теме
Puppet theater as a phenomenon of Soviet culture
Zadorov, Ivan Alexandrovich (candidate of cultural studies).Puppet theater as a phenomenon of Soviet culture.Kostroma, 2012.
Puppet Theater: Set of Matchbox Labels
Puppet theater: a set of match labels. 1958. |
Review of the political instructor of military unit No. 352 of Yakimov about the performances of the pop-doll brigade of the All-Russian Theater Society November 9-11, 1941
F. 962. The Committee on Arts under the Council of Ministers of the USSR.Review of the political instructor of military unit No. 352 of Yakimov about the performances of the pop-doll brigade of the All-Russian Theater Society November 9-11, 1941
The art of dolls in the context of Russian culture of the second half of the 20th century
Romanova, Alexandra Valeryevna (Candidate of Arts). The art of dolls in the context of Russian culture of the second half of the XX century. St. Petersburg, 2010. |
Mr. Gorky. Puppet Theatre
Mr. Gorky. Puppet Theatre. 1982. |
The performance of the 5th (pop-doskol) brigade of the All-Russian Theater Society with the program "Scientific Bear" (Popular Scene) in the production of A. A. Mikhailov.Contractors: guitarist - A. A. Mikhailov, leader - B. L. Ursovich, bear - A. G. Parshin, chord
F. 970. All -Russian theater society.The performance of the 5th (pop-doskol) brigade of the All-Russian Theater Society with the program "Scientific Bear" (Popular Scene) in the production of A. A. Mikhailov.Contractors: guitarist - A. A. Mikhailov, leader - B. L. Ursovich, bear - A. G. Parshin, accordion - E. N. Mikhailova -Solts.