Всемирная история философии
Материалы по теме
Philosophy of culture in postpostermodernism: Critical analysis
Philosophy of culture in post -postmodernism: Critical analysis.2019.
Pashchenko, Lyudmila Vasilievna.Totalitarianism: Russia-Germania in the XX century.Murmansk, 2010.
Russian philosophical poetry of the late XIX - early XX centuries: historical and philosophical analysis
Popova, Olesya Vladimirovna.Russian philosophical poetry of the late XIX - early XX centuries: historical and philosophical analysis.Murmansk, 2009.
Problems of the formation of an information society in modern philosophy
Lukovkin, Sergey Borisovich.Problems of the formation of an information society in modern philosophy.Murmansk, 2006.
The post of spirits, or scientific, moral and critical correspondence of the Arab philosopher Malikulmulk with water, air and underground spirits: [in 4 parts] / [ed.I.A.Wing].- in St. Petersburg: printed in the imperial type., 1802. Part 4. - [2], 180
The post of spirits, or scientific, moral and critical correspondence of the Arab philosopher Malikulmulk with water, air and underground spirits: [in 4 parts] / [ed.I.A.Wing].- in St. Petersburg: printed in the imperial type., 1802. Part 4. - [2], 180 p.1802.
The post of spirits, or scientific, moral and critical correspondence of the Arab philosopher Malikulmulk with water, air and underground spirits: [in 4 parts] / [ed.I.A.Wing].- in St. Petersburg: printed in the imperial type., 1802. Part 3. - [2], 186
The post of spirits, or scientific, moral and critical correspondence of the Arab philosopher Malikulmulk with water, air and underground spirits: [in 4 parts] / [ed.I.A.Wing].- in St. Petersburg: printed in the imperial type., 1802. Part 3. - [2], 186 p.1802.
The post of spirits, or a scientific, moral and critical correspondence of the Arab philosopher Malikulmulk with water, air and underground spirits.Part 2
The post of spirits, or a scientific, moral and critical correspondence of the Arab philosopher Malikulmulk with water, air and underground spirits.In St. Petersburg: printed in the imperial printing house, 1802.Part 2. 1802.
The post of spirits, or a scientific, moral and critical correspondence of the Arab philosopher Malikulmulk with water, air and underground spirits.Part 1
The post of spirits, or a scientific, moral and critical correspondence of the Arab philosopher Malikulmulk with water, air and underground spirits.In St. Petersburg: printed in the imperial printing house, 1802.Part 1. 1802.
Pedagogical views of Xenophon of Athens
Pedagogical views of Xenophon of Athens.2017.
The main points in the development of a new philosophy
Grotto, Nikolai Yakovlevich (1852-1899). The main points in the development of a new philosophy. Moscow: Mediator, 1894. |