Материалы по теме
Comparative analysis of the argumentative strategies of political discourse in a crisis situation
Private, Natalia Sergeevna (candidate of philological sciences). Comparative analysis of the argumentative strategies of political discourse in a crisis situation. Moscow, 2013. |
Code of Basic Laws of Thinking
Taube, Mikhail Ferdinandovich (1855-). Code of Basic Laws of Thinking. Petrograd: Father. type., 1909. |
Russian language
Dudel, Pavel Alexandrovich. Russian language. Moscow: Uchpedgiz, 1931. |
A guide to mental exercises in the teaching of the native language; in three courses, published by Yegor Gugel, class inspector at the Imperial Educational House in Gatchina
Gugel, Yegor Osipovich (1804-1841). A guide to mental exercises in the teaching of the native language; in three courses, published by Yegor Gugel, class inspector at the Imperial Educational House in Gatchina. St. Petersburg: published by I. Zaikin, 1833. |
The problem of argumentation and the movement of scientific knowledge
The problem of argumentation and the movement of scientific knowledge.2010.
Presidential interview as a genre of political discourse and its linguopragmatic characteristics
Babich, Natalia Georgievna (candidate of philological sciences). Presidential interview as a genre of political discourse and its linguopragmatic characteristics. Moscow, 2015. |
The Jacobot method, set out for parents and mentors. Part 1. Reading. Letter. Domestic language
Gugel, Yegor Osipovich (1804 - 1841). The Jacobot method, set out for parents and mentors. St. Petersburg: in the printing house of Conrad Vingeber, 1834. Part 1: Reading; Letter; The native language. 1834. |
Logical and Gnoseological School at the St. Petersburg Theological Academy (mid-XIX-early XX centuries)
Logical and Gnoseological School at the St. Petersburg Theological Academy (mid-XIX-early XX centuries).2019.
Jol, Constantine Konstantinovich (1949-). Logics. Moscow: UNITY-DANA, 2012. |

Culturalism and Importance: On the Logic of Cultures and Importance
Gephart, Werner. Culturalism and significance: the logic of cultures and significance. St. Petersburg: Presidential Library, 2017. |