Личность как социально-психологическое явление
Материалы по теме
Ethnic confessional features as a factor in the formation of semantic centers of the individual
Ethnic confessional features as a factor in the formation of semantic centers of the individual.2019.
Transformations of journalistic activities in modern media space
Transformations of journalistic activities in modern media space.2014.
Social simulation as a phenomenon of modern culture
Zakirov, Tatyana V..Social simulation as a phenomenon of modern culture.Chelyabinsk 2015.
Reconstruction of psychological characteristics of a genius person on the example of studying the life path and creativity of FM Dostoevsky
Holondovich, Elena Nikolaevna (candidate of psychological sciences). Reconstruction of the psychological characteristics of the personality of a genius on the example of studying the life path and creativity of FM Dostoyevsky. Moscow, 2010. |
Manifestations of hybridity in the modern Russian -language media discourse of fashion
Manifestations of hybridity in the modern Russian -speaking media discourse of fashion.2019.
Political and psychological analysis of the personalities of politicians of a populist type.D. Trump, B. Johnson, V. Zhirinovsky
Aybazova, Madina Magomedovna.Political and psychological analysis of the personalities of politicians of a populist type.D. Trump, B. Johnson, V. Zhirinovsky.Moscow, 2020.
The history of the costume and the gender themes of fashion
Romanovskaya, Marina Borisovna. The history of the costume and the gender aspects of fashion. St. Petersburg: Aleteya, 2010. |
The impact of manipulative cinematography technologies on the process of socialization and the formation of youth orientations
Skripkar, Maria Viktorovna (candidate of sociological sciences). The impact of manipulative cinematography technologies on the process of socialization and the formation of youth orientations. Chita, 2009. |
Impact of personal characteristics of political leaders on the role of the Russian president
Sagittarius, Ilya Ernstovich (psychologist, political scientist). Influence of personal characteristics of political leaders on the role of the Russian president. Moscow, 2014. |
Power in the space of personality
Power in the space of personality. 2016 |