Sergius of Radonezh (about 1314–1392)
Sergius of Radonezh (about 1314–1392)

The collection includes hagiographies of St. Sergius of Radonezh, chronicle records about him, studies dedicated to him, official documents, bibliographic indexes, visual materials, as well as materials, which cast light on the history of the Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius.
- Official documents
About the working group under the President of the Russian Federation to prepare for the celebration of the 700th anniversary of the birth of St. Sergius of Radonezh
Russian Federation. President (2008-; DA Medvedev). About the working group under the President of the Russian Federation to prepare for the celebration of the 700th anniversary of the birth of St. Sergius of Radonezh. Moscow, 2010. - Hagiographies of St. Sergius of Radonezh
The great Menaion reader Chetii collected all-Metropolitan Macarius. [Vol. 3]. September, 25-30 days
The great Menaion reader Chetii collected all-Metropolitan Macarius. St. Petersburg: izdanie Archeographical Commission, 1868-1915.
[Vol. 3]: September, 25-30 days. 1883.The book about the miracles of Sergiy Ave.
The doublet fund of the National Security Service.
The book about the miracles of Sergiy. St. Petersburg: O - [in] L [of the Jubilee] D [jealousy] P [Illness], 1888.Lives of saints, honored by the Russian Orthodox Church, and also honored by the Greek Church, South Slavic, Georgian and locally revered in Russia. [Issue. 9-10]. Month of September [- October]
Protopopov Lives of saints, honored by the Russian Orthodox Church, and also honored by the Greek Church, South Slavic, Georgian and locally revered in Russia. [Issue. 9-10]: The month of September [- October]. Film Moscow: DI Presnov, 1884-. 1885.Житие Сергия Радонежского (сканы 416–470)
The life of St. Sergius the hegumen of the Radonezh miracle worker
The life of St. Sergius the hegumen of Radonezh miracle worker.
Moscow: Type. Elizabeth Herbek, 1894.Life and exploits of the monk and God-bearing father of our Sergius, hegumen of Radonezh and all Russia of the miracle worker
Nikon (Rozhdestvensky, Nikolai Ivanovich, Archbishop, 1851-1919). Life and exploits of the monk and God-bearing father of our Sergius, hegumen of Radonezh and all Russia of the miracle worker. [Sergiev Posad]: Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra, 1904. - Chronicle records
A complete collection of Russian chronicles, issued by the highest order of the Archaeographic Commission. T. 6. VI. The Sofia chronicle
Complete collection of Russian chronicles, issued by the highest order of the Archaeographic Commission. T. 6: VI. The Sofia chronicles.
St. Petersburg: Archaeological Museum. commis., 1841 -____. 1853.О преставлении Сергееве, От жития святого Сергия (сканы 127–130)
Complete collection of Russian chronicles, issued by the highest order of the Archaeographic Commission. T. 11. VIII. A chronicle collection, called the Patriarch's or Nikon's annals
Complete collection of Russian chronicles, issued by the highest order of the Archaeographic Commission. 11: VIII. A chronicle collection, called the Patriarch's or Nikon's annals.
St. Petersburg: Archaeological Museum. commis., 1841 -____. 1897.Повесть о преподобном Сергии (сканы 42–47, 139–159)
A complete collection of Russian chronicles, issued by the highest order of the Archaeographic Commission. 21. The second half. The book of the royal royal genealogy
A complete collection of Russian chronicles, issued by the highest order of the Archaeographic Commission. St.Petersburg: In the printing house of Edward Pratz, 1841-1921.
T. 21. The second half: The book is a sedate royal genealogy. S.-Petersburg: the printing house of MA Aleksandrov, 1913.A complete collection of Russian chronicles, issued by the highest order of the Archaeographic Commission. T. 20, half 1. Lviv Chronicle, part 1
Complete collection of Russian chronicles, issued by the highest order of the Archaeographic Commission. T. 20, half 1: Lviv Chronicle, Part 1. St. Petersburg: Archangel. commis., 1841 -____. 1910.A complete collection of Russian chronicles, issued by the highest order of the Archaeographic Commission. T. 20, half 2. Lviv Chronicle, part 2
Complete collection of Russian chronicles, issued by the highest order of the Archaeographic Commission. T. 20, half 2: Lviv Chronicle, Part 2. St. Petersburg: Archangel. commis., 1841 -____. 1914.См. к т. 20 (ч. 1–2) именной указатель: Сергий, игумен Троицкого монастыря (скан 243)
- Life and deeds
Dictionary of memorable people of the Russian land, which contains the life and deeds of famous generals, ministers and husbands of state, great hierarchs of the Orthodox Church, excellent writers and scholars, known for participating in the events of Rus
Bantysh-Kamensky, Dmitriy N. Slovar memorable people of the Russian land, which contains the life and deeds of famous generals, ministers and husbands of state, great hierarchs of the Orthodox Church, excellent writers and scholars, known for participating in the events of Russian history. M .: [б. and.], 1836-.
Ch. 5. .: With - [Fita]. M.: University type., 1836.Сергий (сканы 37–41)
Participation of the Reverend Father of our Sergius in the events of 1380, which initiated the liberation of Russia from the Tatar yoke
Leonid (Kavelin, Lev Alexandrovich, 1822-1891). Participation of the Reverend Father of our Sergius in the events of 1380, which initiated the liberation of Russia from the Tatar yoke.
Moscow: The Holy Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius, 1880.The history of Orthodox monasticism in North-Eastern Russia since the time of the Monk Sergei Radonezhsky
Kudryavtsev, Matvey Vladimirovich The history of Orthodox monasticism in North-Eastern Russia since the time of the Monk Sergei Radonezhsky. Part 1 .. Moscow: Type. Lavrov and Co., 1881.О Сергии Радонежском (сканы 15–90)
The state value of St.. Sergius and the Trinity-Sergius Lavra
Sluchevsky, Konstantin Konstantinovich (poet, doctor of philosophy, 1837-1904). The state value of St.. Sergius and Trinity-Sergius Lavra. Moscow: University Press, 1889. - Works in commemoration of 500th anniversary of the birth of Sergius of Radonezh
Testament of St. Sergius
Georgievsky, Grigory Petrovich (1866-1948). The covenant of St. Sergius. Moscow: Publications of the Society of Lovers of Spiritual Enlightenment, 1893.The Monk Sergius of Radonezh, the great ascetic and grief-bearer of the Russian land
Morev, John Vasilievich The Monk Sergius of Radonezh, the great ascetic and conqueror of the Russian land.
St. Petersburg: Type. "Art magazine", 1893.Memory of the 500th anniversary of the Monk and God-bearing Father of our Sergius of Radonezh and all Russia, the Wonderworker, the life and exploits of his
Memory of the 500th anniversary of the Monk and God-Bearer of our Sergius of Radonezh and all Russia, the Wonderworker, his life and his exploits.
Moscow: Type. IE Ermakov, 1894.Тамбовские губернские ведомости. 1892, № 100 (26 сентября)
Tambov provincial Gazette. Tambov, 1838-1917.
1892, No. 100 (September 26). 1892.По поводу 500-летнего юбилея преподобного Сергия (сканы 1–3)
- Fate of the relics of Sergius of Radonezh
Separation of church and state
Separation of church and state. St. Petersburg: Presidential Library. Boris N. Yeltsin, 2011.Вскрытие мощей Сергия Радонежского 11 апреля 1919-го года
- History of the Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius
A brief historical description of the Svyatotroitskaya Sergius Lavra
Pavel (Ponomarev, Peter Nikolaevich, 1745-1806). A brief historical description of the Svyatotroitskaya Sergius Lavra. St.Petersburg: [Type. Acad. Sciences], 1782.Legend of the siege of the Troitsky Sergius Monastery from the Poles and Lithuania; and about the later rebellions in Russia, composed by the same Troitsky monastery by the cellar Avrami Palitsyn
Avraamij (Palitsyn Averky Ivanovich, Hieromonk Trinity-Sergius Lavra, the middle of the 16th century-1626). Legend of the siege of the Troitsky Sergius Monastery from the Poles and Lithuania; and about the subsequent rebellions in Russia, composed by the same Troitsky monastery by the clerk Avrami Palitsyn.
Moscow: In the Synodal Printing House, 1822.The historical description of the Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra
Gorsky, Alexander Vasilyevich (1812-1875). The historical description of the Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra. Sergiev Posad: Holy Trinity. Sergius Lavra, 1910.Correspondence with the Moscow Provincial Commissar and the Chief Procurator of the Synod on taking measures for the preservation of the Troitsko-Sergiyeva Lavra
Correspondence with the Moscow Provincial Commissar and the Chief Procurator of the Synod on taking measures for the preservation of the Troitsko-Sergiy Lavra. - Bibliographic indexes
Rev. Sergius of Radonezh and Trinity-Sergius Lavra in Russian Literature
Belokurov, Sergey Alekseevich (1862-1918). Rev. Sergius of Radonezh and the Trinity-Sergius Lavra in Russian literature.
[Moscow: type. A.I. Snegireva, 1892]. - Visual materials
The Monk Sergei of Radonezh. XV century. The Zagorsk Museum. The days of memory are 18.VII, 8.X.
The Monk Sergei of Radonezh. XV century. The Zagorsk Museum. The days of memory are 18.VII, 8.X.Photocopy of the detail of the painting "The blessing of Dmitry Donskoy by St. Sergius on the Battle of Kulikovo" (Moscow)
Technical and Construction Committee of the Ministry of Interior.
Photocopy of the details of the painting "Dmitry Donskoy's Blessing to the Holy Reverend Sergius on the Battle of Kulikovo" (Moscow).Куликово поле. Храм-памятник Сергию Радонежскому. 1913-1918. Архитектор А. В. Щусев
Kulikovo field. Memorial Church of St. Sergius of Radonezh. 1913-1918. Architect A. V. Shchusev.- The Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius
Architectural ensemble of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery
Architectural ensemble of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery.
Moscow: Fine Arts, 1975.Zagorsk. The Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra. XV - XVIII centuries.
Zagorsk. The Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra. XV - XVIII centuries.
Житие и похвальное слово (сканы 20–107)