Mikhail Glinka (1804–1857)

The collection is timed to coincide with the 215th anniversary of the birth of the Russian composer Mikhail Glinka, the first Russian classical composer, founder of the Russian national school of the world opera. Like Alexander Pushkin in literature, the composer created a new language of Russian music.
Mikhail Glinka’s output is not prolific. It includes A Life for the Tsar and Ruslan and Lyudmila operas, symphonic music, in particular, Waltz Fantasy and Kamarinskaya overture, chamber music, romances and other vocal compositions. The romance Do Not Tempt Me, which was one of the first works composed in 1825, is still in the repertoire of many vocalists.
The music of Mikhail Glinka is deeply national and patriotic. It is not by chance that it was his Patriotic Song that had been the national anthem of the Russian Federation for ten years (from 1991 to 2000).
The collection contains electronic copies of books, brochures, archive documents and visual materials. Of particular interest is the magazine publication of Mikhail Glinka’s Memoirs, published through the efforts of the composer’s sister L. I. Shestakova. These memoirs can be found in the “Composer’s Life and Work” section.
The collection also includes materials about two operas produced by Mikhail Glinka - A Life for the Tsar and Ruslan and Lyudmila: archive documents related to the operatic performances, as well as photographs of opera singers in makeup dressed up as characters of Glinka’s works.
The collection features materials from N. V. Balachenkova’s private collection, the Children's Postcard Museum, the Russian State Historical Archive, the Moscow Regional State Research Library and other sources.
- Composer’s Life and Work
- General section
M. I. Glinka. His life and musical activities
Bazunov, Sergey Alexandrovich (1857-1903). M. I. Glinka. His life and musical activity. St. Petersburg: Typogr. highest approval. comrade "common use", 1892.The creator of the Russian opera, Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka
Avenarius, Vasily Petrovich (1839-1923). The creator of the Russian opera, Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka. St. Petersburg: edition of the bookstore PV Lukovnikova, cit. 1903.M.I. Glinka
Georgian, A.E.M.I. Glinka. Moscow: Type. t-va ID Sytin, 1904.M.I. Glinka
Asafiev, Boris Vladimirovich (1884-1949). M. I. Glinka. Leningrad: OGIZ, 1942. - Memoirs and correspondence
Russian archive. G. 7 1869, 7/8
Russian archive. Moscow: University Printing House (Katkov and Co.), 1863-1917.
G. 7 1869, 7/8. 1869.Russian antiquity. G. 5 1874, vol. 9, [kn. 4, April]
Russian antiquity. St. Petersburg, 1870-1918.
G. 5 1874, v. 9, [bk. 4, April]. 1874.Содерж.: Шестаков Л. И. Михаил Иванович Глинка в 1839-1841 гг.: воспоминания А. Н. Струговщикова. Письма М. И. Глинки к Л. А. Гейденрейху. 1842-1856 гг. С. 726-731 [сканы 61-95].
Russian archive. G. 16 1878, [Vol. 2], 5
Russian archive. Moscow: University Printing House (Katkov and Co.), 1863-1917.
G. 16 1878, [Book. 2], 5. 1878.Содерж.: Из бумаг С.П. Шевырева: Письма к нему разных лиц (С.Т. Аксакова, князя В.Ф. Одоевского, М.И. Глинки, А.С. Хомякова, О.М. Бодянского, В.И. Даля) С. 58-59 [сканы 64-65].
Russian archive. G. 28 1890, [book. 2], 7
Russian archive. Moscow: University Printing House (Katkov and Co.), 1863-1917.
G. 28 1890, [kN. 2], 7. 1890.Содерж.: Письмо князя В.Ф. Одоевского к М.И. Глинке (1851). Письма М.И. Глинки к П.П. Дубровскому (1853-1854). С. 317-318 [сканы 31-32].
Serovs, Alexander Nikolaevich and Valentin Alexandrovich
Serova, Valentina Semenovna (1846-1924). Serovs, Alexander Nikolaevich and Valentin Alexandrovich. St. Petersburg: Rosehip, 1914.Содерж.: Серов А. Н. Извлечения из критических статей. Воспоминания о Михаиле Ивановиче Глинке. С. 227-239 [сканы 249-261].
- Mikhail Glinka’s Memoirs
Russian antiquity. G. 1 1870, vol. 1, [kn. 1-6, January-June]
Russian antiquity. St. Petersburg, 1870-1918.
G. 1 1870, vol. 1, [bk. 1-6, January-June]. 1870.Содерж.: Записки М. И. Глинки. 1804-1854 гг. Часть первая. С. 380-402 [сканы 389-411]; Записки М. И. Глинки. 1804-1854 гг. Часть вторая. С. 562-594 [сканы 571-603].
Russian antiquity. G. 1 1870, vol. 2, [kn. 7-12, July-December]
Russian antiquity. St. Petersburg, 1870-1918.
G. 1 1870, vol. 2, [bk. 7-12, July-December]. 1870.Содерж.: Записки М. И. Глинки. 1804-1854 гг: окончание ч. 2, гл. 6. / сообщ. Л. И. Шестакова (рожд. Глинка). С. 56-73 [сканы 62-79]; Кн. 9: Записки М. И. Глинки. 1804-1854 гг. Ч. 3. Гл. 7 / сообщ. Л. И. Шестакова (рожд. Глинка). С. 266-293 [сканы 272-299]; Кн. 10: Шестакова Л. И. (рожд. Глинка). Записки М. И. Глинки, 1804-1854 гг. Ч. 3. Гл. 8-9 / сообщ. Л. И. Шестакова (рожд. Глинка). С. 372-397 [сканы 380-405]; Кн. 11: Записки М. И. Глинки, 1804-1854 гг. Ч. 4. и последняя / сообщ. Л. И. Шестакова (рожд. Глинка). С. 419-462 [сканы 429-472].
- Composer’s portraits
Glinka.The composer M. I. Glinka (1804-1857)
Composer M. I. Glinka (1804-1857).Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka
Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka. 1955.The great Russian composer Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka (1804-1857)
The great Russian composer Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka (1804-1857). 1956.
- Mikhail Glinka’s Oeuvre
- General section
The case of the transfer of the Polish score to the theater orchestra, in view of his dedication by the composer Glinka to his majesty to the coronation
Directorate of Imperial Theaters MFA.
The case of forwarding the Polish score to the theater orchestra, in view of his dedication by the composer Glinka to his majesty to the coronation.Correspondence of the Chairman of the Council of Ministers with various officials at the request of organizations and individuals
Council of Ministers (1905-1917).
Correspondence of the Chairman of the Council of Ministers with various officials on petitions of organizations and individuals.Содерж.: Докладная записка Директора Гельсингфорского филармонического общества. От 20 декабря 1911 г. [сканы 259–261]. Упоминание о популярности М. И. Глинки в Финляндии [скан 259].
- A Life for the Tsar opera
Letters to E.Kerskaya S.V. Kersky, husband, official of special assignments of the Office of the Chief Procurator of the Synod, visits, health, economic affairs, plans for the summer, sons Boris and Vladimir, brother Nikolai, impressions of M. Glinka's op
Pobedonostsev Konstantin Petrovich (1827-1907).
Letters to E.Kerskaya S.V. Kersky, husband, official of special assignments of the Office of the Chief Procurator of the Synod, about visits, health, economic affairs, plans for the summer, sons Boris and Vladimir, brother Nikolai, impressions from the opera M. I. Glinka "Life for the Tsar."Содерж.: О впечатлениях от оперы М. И. Глинки «Жизнь за царя» [скан 16]
Письма разных лиц А. В. Головнину с комментариями и фрагментами ответных писем
Golovnin Alexander Vasilyevich (1821-1886), Minister of Public Education, member of the State Council.
Letters of various persons to A. V. Golovnin with comments and fragments of response letters.Содерж.: Газетные вырезки о сорокалетнем юбилее оперы М. Н. Глинки "Жизнь за царя". [скан 111].
- Characters of the opera
G. A. Kovaleva, Hon. art. RSFSR. Opera M. Glinka "Ivan Susanin"
G. A. Kovaleva, Hon. art. RSFSR. Opera M. Glinka "Ivan Susanin".G. A. Kovaleva, Hon. art. RSFSR. Opera M. Glinka "Ivan Susanin"
G. A. Kovaleva, Hon. art. RSFSR. Opera M. Glinka "Ivan Susanin".
- Ruslan and Lyudmila opera
The case on the petition of the collegiate assessor Glinka about the adoption of his opera "Ruslan and Lyudmila"
Directorate of Imperial Theaters MFA.
The case on the request of the collegiate assessor Glinka to accept his Ruslan and Lyudmila opera on the stage-by-stage plate.The case according to the instructions of Mr. Director about the performance of Mr. Glinka for the performance of the written music for the opera Ruslan and Lyudmila from two-thirds of the tenth part of the collection based on the provision of November 13, 1827
Directorate of Imperial Theaters MFA.
The case according to the instruction of Mr. Director about the performance of Mr. Glinka for the design for writing music for the opera Ruslan and Lyudmila of two-thirds of the tenth part of the collection based on the provision of November 13, 1827.The case of the release of the sculptor Gavrilov from the obligation to correct the mechanism of the giant's head in the opera Ruslan and Lyudmila and about assigning it to the driver and decorator Roller
Directorate of Imperial Theaters MFA.
The case of the release of the sculptor Gavrilov from his duty in correcting the mechanism of the giant's head in the opera Ruslan and Lyudmila and on assigning it to the driver and decorator Roller.- Characters of the opera
G. A. Kovaleva, Hon. art. RSFSR. Opera M. Glinka "Ruslan and Lyudmila"
G. A. Kovaleva, Hon. art. RSFSR. Opera M. Glinka "Ruslan and Lyudmila".G. A. Kovaleva, Hon. art. RSFSR. Opera M. Glinka "Ruslan and Lyudmila"
G. A. Kovaleva, Hon. art. RSFSR. Opera M. Glinka "Ruslan and Lyudmila".O. F. Mshanskaya, deserved. actress of the RSFSR, winner of the Stalin Prize. M. I. Glinka. "Ruslan and Ludmila". Ratmir
O. F. Mshanskaya, deserved. actress of the RSFSR, winner of the Stalin Prize. M. I. Glinka. "Ruslan and Ludmila". Ratmir.L. A. Yaroshenko, winner of the Stalin Prize. M. I. Glinka. "Ruslan and Ludmila". Ruslan
L. A. Yaroshenko, winner of the Stalin Prize. M. I. Glinka. "Ruslan and Ludmila". Ruslan.I.P. Yashugin, merit art. RSFSR, winner of the Stalin Prize. M. I. Glinka. "Ruslan and Ludmila". Ruslan
I.P. Yashugin, merit art. RSFSR, winner of the Stalin Prize. M. I. Glinka. "Ruslan and Ludmila". Ruslan.
- The Memory of the Composer
- General section
Russian antiquity. G. 1 1870, vol. 2, [kn. 7-12, July-December]
Russian antiquity. St. Petersburg, 1870-1918.
G. 1 1870, vol. 2, [bk. 7-12, July-December]. 1870.Содерж.: Подписка на памятник М. И. Глинке. С. 97 [сканы 103]. Последние годы жизни и кончина М.И. Глинки 1854-1857 гг.: воспоминания Л. И. Шестаковой (рожд. Глинка). Письмо М. И. Глинки и выдержки из зап. Н. В. Кукольника о Глинке С. 610-636 [сканы 626-658]. Памятник на могиле М. И. Глинки. [скан 654].
About the subscription to the construction in St. Petersburg of the monument to Mikhail I. Glinka
State Chancellery of the State Council.
About the subscription to the construction in St. Petersburg of the monument to M. I. Glinka. - Monuments to Mikhail Glinka
- The monument in St. Petersburg
Petrograd. Monument to MI Glinka: [postcard]
Petrograd. Monument to M. I. Glinka: [postcard].Leningrad. Monument to Glinka. theatre square
Leningrad. Monument to Glinka. Theatre square.Leningrad. Monument to M.I. Glinka
Leningrad. Monument to M.I. Glinka. 1940.Leningrad. Monument M. I. Glinka
Leningrad. Monument M. I. Glinka.Leningrad. Monument M. I. Glinka. 1906 Sculptor R. Bach
Leningrad. Monument M. I. Glinka. 1906 Sculptor R. Bach.Leningrad. Monument M. I. Glinka
Leningrad. Monument M. I. Glinka. - The monument in Smolensk
Smolensk. Monument to MI Glinka. Sculptor A. R. Bock
Smolensk. Monument to MI Glinka. Sculptor A. R. Bock.Smolensk. Monument to MI Glinka. Sculptor A. Bock. Architect I. Bogolyubov
Smolensk. Monument to MI Glinka. Sculptor A. Bock. Architect I. Bogolyubov.Smolensk. Monument to MI Glinka. Sculptor A. Bock
Smolensk. Monument to MI Glinka. Sculptor A. Bock.
- Places associated with the composer’s life and work
A. K. Glazunov (in the background) near the house of M. I. Glinka in Paris
Rimsky-Korsakov, A.N. and Weisberg, Yu. L.
A.K. Glazunov (in the background) near the house of M.I. Glinka in Paris.
Содерж.: Кашперов В. Н. Воспоминание о М. И. Глинке. Письма М. И. Глинки к В. Н. Кашперову. 1836. Столб. 1137-1146 [сканы 27-31].