Fact and Image of the Russian History in the Works of Russian Writers

To celebrate 2015, the Year of Literature, the Presidential Library has developed a new digital collection of materials "Fact and image of Russian history in the works of Russian writers." It presents the views of authors on the history of Russia in the 16th - early 20th centuries. Particular emphasis is placed on the literary works covering the reign of Ivan the Terrible, the formation and flourishing of the Russian Empire in the 18th – early 20th century, the War of 1812, the socio-economic and socio-political development of Russia in the 19th - early 20th centuries. The collection contains the first publications of works, books about the life and work of such writers as Alexander Pushkin, Feodor Dostoyevsky, Leo Tolstoy, Anton Chekhov and others/ as well as their portraits.
The collection consists of 215 units. Materials of the collection will be useful to students of secondary and higher educational institutions, as well as to teachers of history and literature. They will facilitate the revelation of interdisciplinary connections of history and literature, integrated perception of these disciplines, development of skills to analyze a literary work in the context of the era. The collection is constantly updated. Stay tuned.
- History
- Literature