Overcoming the Time of Troubles in Russia

Overcoming the Time of Troubles in Russia

At the turn of the 16th – 17th centuries in Russia there was a difficult internal and foreign political situation. Dynastic crisis caused by the death of the last of Rurikids; famine brought on by a succession of lean years, peasant uprisings; the Polish-Swedish intervention - all this has led to a civil war, questioning the very existence of the Russian state. Only the union of large popular forces – urban population, military men, free peasantry - helped preserve the independence of the country, restore the administrative and military systems and overcome the Troubles.

The collection dedicated to this historical period included various documents and materials reflecting the state of the Moscow state on the eve and during the Troubles, the struggle of various political forces for the Moscow throne and the people's movement against the conquerors. Particular attention is paid to political, social and church figures of the Time of Troubles.

  • General section

    The collection opens with sources on the history of the Time of Troubles, including "Acts of the reign of Tsar Vasily Shuysky," "Acts of interregnum", "Acts of suburban militias and Zemsky Sobor", etc. Of great interest is evidence of foreigners about the events in Russia in the late 16th – early 17th centuries. These historical sources allow us to estimate the perception of the Russian reality by contemporary foreigners. Significant place in the section occupy historic researches on the Time of Troubles in the whole and on particular events too.
  • Moscow state in the late 16th century. Causes of the Time of Troubles

    The section presents documents about the events that were taking place in Russia on the eve of the Time of Troubles – the reign of Tsar Feodor Ivanovich and the murder of Tsarevitch Dmitry Ivanovich in Uglich.
  • Struggle for liberation of Russia from invaders

    The section includes the materials on one of the dramatic episodes of the struggle against foreign aggressors – the siege of the Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius, the leaders of the militia, the events taking place in particular areas of Russia.