Magadan Region: pages of history

The collection features official documents, research papers, archival, statistical, cartographic and visual materials that reflect the geographical, socio-economic and political aspects of the history of Magadan Region of the XVIII-XX centuries and its current state.
- Authority
- Legislation
Charter of the Magadan Region
Magadan Region. Laws. Charter of the Magadan Region. [Magadan, 2001]. - Administrative Department
The case of extradition of cashless provisions to employees in Kamchatka, Izhiga and Okhotsk civil and medical officials and lower ranks of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. N. 20.11. 1819; V.U. 02.02. 1820
The case of extradition of cashless provisions to employees in Kamchatka, Izhiga and Okhotsk civil and medical officials and lower ranks of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. N. 20.11. 1819; V.U. 02.02. 1820 g.1819.On pensions to officials serving in Kamchatka, Okhotsk and Gizhig. 1845 g.N. 19 / VI; V.u. 7 / XI.
On pensions to officials serving in Kamchatka, Okhotsk and Gizhig. 1845 g.N. 19 / VI; V.u. 7 / XI.1845.On the abandonment without consequences of the assumption of the transfer of Mr. Gizhigi to Kolosov Uval. December 8 - December 22, 1854
On the abandonment without consequences of the assumption of the transfer of Mr. Gizhigi to Kolosov Uval. December 8 - December 22, 1854, 1854.
- People
- Population (demographics, migration)
Urban settlements in the Russian Empire. T. 4
Urban settlements in the Russian Empire. St. Petersburg: the printing house of the Association "Public Benefit", 1860-1865.
T. 4. 1864.The first general census of the population of the Russian Empire in 1897. 76. Primorsky Region
First General Census of the Russian Empire in 1897 [St. Petersburg]: publication of the Central Statistical Committee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, 1899-1905.
76: Primorsky Region. 1899.Statistical information about Gizhiga and Gizhiga District
- Social Structure
The case against the governor-general of Eastern Siberia, the secret counselor of Lavinsky regarding the provision of food to Cossack officers in Okhotsk and Gizhig, and the increase in salaries to the Gizhigin Cossacks
Collection: The case against the Governor-General of Eastern Siberia, the secret counselor of Lavinsky regarding the provision of food to Cossack officers in Okhotsk and Gizhig and the increase in salary to Gizhigin Cossacks.About the award of the hereditary honorary citizen Kandinsky with a gold medal with the inscription "for diligence" for wearing around the neck on the Stanislavsky ribbon and the sergeant-deer of Epic Lehtelen and the minions of Min Kavav Yaulakh and Poyt
About the award of the hereditary honorary citizen Kandinsky with a gold medal with the inscription "for diligence" for wearing around the neck on the Stanislavsky ribbon and the sergeant-deer of Epic Lehtelen and the minions of Min Kavav Yaulakh and Poytol Evgialin with honorary caftans. December 10 - December 19, 1857, 1857.On the taxation of the state peasants of the Okhotsk and Uda okrugs of the Primorsky Region of Eastern Siberia, a one-sided tax payment of 90 kroons from the soul and the addition of various arrears from them.23 June 1865
On the taxation of the state peasants of the Okhotsk and Uda okrugs of the Primorsky Region of Eastern Siberia, a one-sided tax payment of 90 kroons from the soul and the addition of various arrears from them.2-23 June 1865.1865.Sablina Alexandra Nikolaevna (1911-1994) Information about work in Dalstroy Magadan Region October 8, 1943 to August 16, 1944. Magadan s, 08/28/1989
Sablina Alexandra Nikolaevna (1911-1994) Information about the work in Dalstroy Magadan Region October 8, 1943 to August 16, 1944. Magadan s, August 28, 1989. - Ethnic Groups
Statistical data showing the tribal composition of the population of Siberia, the language and sorts of foreigners (based on data from the special development of the material of the census of 1897). Notes of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society on th
Patkanov Statistical data showing the tribal composition of the population of Siberia, the language and sorts of foreigners (based on data from the special development of the material of the census of 1897). T. 3. Vyp. 4-9: Irkutsk, Zabaikalsk, Amur, Yakut, Primorye regions and about. Sakhalin.
St. Petersburg: [Type. Sh. Busel], 1912. St. Petersburg: [Type. Sh. Busel], 1912.Gizhiga District. P. 898–905 (scans 425–432)
Notes of the Kamchatka missionary hieromonk Nestor
Nestor (Anisimov, Nikolai Alexandrovich, 1885-1962). Notes of the Kamchatka missionary hieromonk Nestor.
Kazan: Typo-lit. I. S. Perova, 1909.About the Koryaks
Tarka Koryak
Lyalina, Maria Andreevna (1880-1910). Tarka Koryak. St. Petersburg: M.O. Wolf, [1907]; Moscow.The Koryaks. 1
The Koryaks. 1.The Koryaks. 2
The Koryaks. 2.On the assignment of the title of laureate of the Prize Governor of the Magadan region
Magadan Region.Governor.On the assignment of the title of laureate of the Prize Governor of the Magadan region.Magadan, 2021.On amendments to the Decree of the Government of the Magadan Region dated March 24, 2016 No. 202-PP ["On approval of the procedure for the provision of subsidies from the regional budget to public organizations for publication of educational, scientific, folklore and Ino
Magadan Region.Government.On amendments to the Decree of the Government of the Magadan Region dated March 24, 2016 No. 202-PP ["On approval of the procedure for the provision of subsidies from the regional budget to public organizations for publication of educational, scientific, folklore and other literature, ensuring the preservation and transfer of ethnocultural knowledge and the transfer of ethnocultural knowledge andtraditions, the study of ethnic languages of the indigenous peoples of the north "].Magadan, 2022. - Medicine
The case of granting the Okhotsk District Doctor of the Bogorodsky degree a doctor of medicine without a personal trial, on the basis of his thesis with a medical-topographical description of Gigiga and his district (Primorsky Region)
Department of Public Education of the Ministry of Education.
The case of granting a doctor of medicine to the Okhotsk District Doctor of the Bogorodsky degree without a personal trial, on the basis of his thesis presented with a medical-topographic description of Gigiga and his district (Primorsky Region).On Amendments to the Law of the Magadan Region "On prevention of the Magadan region of infections transmitted mainly through sexual contact"
On Amendments to the Magadan region "On the prevention of the spread in the Magadan region of infections transmitted mainly through sexual contact" law.
- Territory
- General Description
The Okhotsk-Kamchatka region. T. 1
Slyunin, Nikolai Vasilyevich (1850-1925). The Okhotsk-Kamchatka region. St. Petersburg: type. AS Suvorin, 1826-1917.
T. 1.Short descriptions of Ola, Yamsk, Gizhiga, natural sites. P. 440–450 (scans 504–516)
The Okhotsk-Kamchatka region. T. 2. Applications
Slyunin, Nikolai Vasilyevich (1850-1925). The Okhotsk-Kamchatka region. St. Petersburg: type. AS Suvorin, 1826-1917.
T. 2: Applications. 1900.Statistical data. Gizhiga District. P. 139–140 (scans 149–150). Mentions of settlements of modern Magadan Region in other statistical tables by sectors
Journey through Eastern Siberia. Part 1. The Yakutsk Region, Okhotsk Region
Bulychov, Ivan Demjanovich. Journey through Eastern Siberia. St.Petersburg: in the type. Acad. Sciences, 1856.
Part 1: The Yakutsk region, the Okhotsk region. 1856.Individual mentions of Gizhiga and Gizhiga District
Review of the Primorsky Region .... 1898
Survey of the Primorsky Region ... Vladivostok: type. Primorsky region. reval. 1898 year. 1900.Presented data includes information about Gizhiga and Gizhiga District as well
- Land Development and Research
Lessepsovo travel along Kamchatka and along the southern side of Siberia .. Part 2
Lesseps, Jean Baptiste Barthelemy (1766-1834). Lessepsovo travel across Kamchatka and along the southern side of Siberia .. Part 2. Moscow: In the Provincial Printing House in A. Reshetnikov, 1801 - 1802. 1801.The travel route also covers the territory of modern Magadan Region. Izhiginsk (Gizhiga) is described in detail. The morals and lifestyle of the Koryaks are spotlighted as well. P. 114–244 (scans 117–247)
Lessepsovo travel along Kamchatka and along the southern side of Siberia .. Part 3
Lesseps, Jean Baptiste Barthelemy (1766-1834). Lessepsovo travel along Kamchatka and on the southern side of Siberia .. Part 3. Moscow: In the Provincial Printing House in A. Reshetnikov, 1801 - 1802. 1802.The travel route also covers the territory of modern Magadan Region. Yamsk, Sredny, Siglansky, Ola settlements are described, as well as various natural sites. P. 1–32 (scans 4–35). Individual mentions of Gizhiga are also featured.
Trip to the Northern Districts of Primorsky Region
Silnitsky, Anton Petrovich. A trip to the northern districts of Primorsky Region. Khabarovsk: type. Chancellery of the Amur. governor-general, 1902.Essay on the Gizhiga region. P. 141–164 (scans 149–172)
Traveling to the Kolyma and the New Land in 1909-10.
Sedov, Georgy Yakovlevich (1877-1914). Traveling to the Kolyma and the New Land in 1909-10. Petrograd: The Printing Office of the Marine Ministry, 1917. - Economy. Economic Geography
According to the Highest Command, the compilation of two annual food supplies for Kamchatka, Gizhiga, Okhotsk and Uda. November 2 - December 16, 1861
According to the Highest Command, the compilation of two annual food supplies for Kamchatka, Gizhiga, Okhotsk and Uda. November 2 - December 16, 1861, 1881.The case of approval of the provision for the payment for the transportation of passengers and partial cargoes on the state-owned vessels of the Okhotsk flotilla from Okhotsk to Petropavlovsk port, Gizhig, Tigil and back. N. 23.07 .; V.U. 11/12/1886
The case of approval of the provision for the payment for the transportation of passengers and partial cargoes on the state-owned vessels of the Okhotsk flotilla from Okhotsk to Petropavlovsk port, Gizhig, Tigil and back. N. 23.07 .; V.U. 11.12.1846 year.1846.History of the formation and development of Dalstroi aviation in 1932-1957.
Tretyakov, Maxim Viktorovich. The history of the formation and development of Dalstroi aviation in 1932-1957. Magadan, 2011.- Foreign trade
Foreign economic relations of the enterprises of the region for 1988 - 1992
Foreign economic relations of the enterprises of the region for 1988 - 1992. Magadan: [B. and.], 1993.Foreign economic relations of the region's enterprises for 1991-1994
Foreign economic relations of the region's enterprises for 1991 - 1994.
Magadan: [B. and.], 1995.Foreign economic activity of the enterprises of Magadan region for 1999 - 2003
Foreign economic activity of the enterprises of the Magadan Region for 1999 - 2003. Magadan: [B. and.], 2004.Foreign economic activity of the enterprises of the Magadan region for 2000 - 2004
Foreign economic activity of the enterprises of the Magadan region for 2000 - 2004. Magadan: [B. and.], 2005.Foreign economic activity of organizations in the Magadan Region
External economic activity of organizations in the Magadan region.
Magadan: Magadanstat, 2010.Foreign economic activity of organizations in the Magadan Region
Foreign economic activity of organizations in the Magadan Region. Magadan: Magadanstat, 2011.
- Cartographic Materials
The map of the Irkutsk province, divided into 5 districts, the Yakut region and two seaside governments: Okhotsk and Kamchatka, without separation into districts
Maps, plans and drawings of the St. Petersburg Senate Archive (collection).The map of the Irkutsk province, divided into 5 districts, the Yakut region and two seaside administrations: Okhotsk and Kamchatka, without separation into districts.General map of Irkutsk Governorate, including Izhiginsky Uezd
Maps of counties: Irkutsk, Aklansky, Barguzinsky, Verkhneudinsky, Doroninsky, Zhigansky, Zashiversky, Izhiginsky, Kirensk, Nerchinsk, Nizhneudinsky, Nizhnekamchatsky, Olekminsky, Olensky, Okhotsk, Stretensky, Yakut Irkutsk Gubernia
Collection: Maps of counties: Irkutsk, Aklan, Barguzin, Verkhneudin, Doroninskiy, Zhigansky, Zashiversky, Izhiginsky, Kirensk, Nerchinsk, Nizhneudinsky, Nizhnekamchatsky, Olekminsky, Olensky, Okhotsk, Stretensky, Yakut Irkutsk Gubernia < / b>Izhiginsky Uezd (scan 32)
- Visual Materials
G. Magadan, Lenin Ave.
G. Magadan, Lenin Avenue. 1963.G. Magadan, Lenin Ave.
G. Magadan, Lenin Avenue. 1963.Magadan: [set of postcards]
Magadan: [a set of postcards]. 1968.Magadan Region. Talay Resort
Magadan Region. Resort Talaya. 1980.
Gizhiga. P. 241–243 (scans 253–255)