Russia − ASEAN (Association of SouthEast Asian Nations): History and Present Time

Shortly before an upcoming ASEAN − Russia Summit 2016 in Sochi the Presidential Library has prepared a digital collection, which includes the formal and archival documents, books, theses and abstracts of dissertations, and the imagery related to the South-East Asia region as a whole and its individual countries. Among presented pieces are the travel logs, the materials on geography and ethnography, the studies of political structure, economic and cultural life of the region, and the documents reflecting the diplomatic relations between Russia and the ASEAN countries.
The Association of SouthEast Asian Nations (ASEAN) − the political, economic and cultural regional intergovernmental organization of the countries located in Southeast Asia − was founded in 1967 in Bangkok and includes the following countries: Brunei, Vietnam, Indonesia, Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore, Thailand, Philippines. Since 1996 the Russian Federation is a full-fledged partner in the dialogue with ASEAN. The first ASEAN − Russia Summit with the participation of Russian President Vladimir Putin took place in 2005 in Kuala Lumpur.
The collection was built courtesy of the Archive of the Foreign Policy of the Russian Federation, the N G. Kuznetsov Naval Academy, the State Public Historical Library, the Russian State Library, the Russian Geographical Society, the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, the Center for Information Technologies and Systems of the Executive Power Authorities, and the Central Naval Library.