Recent collections
Russian Military Historical Society
The digital collection dedicated to the Russian Military Historical Society contains both modern official documents and materials from the early 20th century history of the organization. These include instructions, circulars, regulations, meeting logs, official correspondence, collections of published materials, newspaper articles, and materials from regional branches of the society. Additionally, there are publications and periodicals related to military history.
Russian Geographical Society
The digital collection dedicated to the Russian Geographical Society (RGS) contains texts of charters, regulations, lists of members, surveys of individual members, expedition reports, travel descriptions, and reviews of society's work on history, ethnography, geography, and other sciences. It also includes bibliographic indexes, scientific monographs, abstracts of dissertations, catalogues of books from the society's library, descriptions of manuscripts, scientific archive with a list of funds, archival files including memoirs, personal correspondence, and various administrative, financial, and economic documents, as well as exhibition materials, cartographic materials, and visual materials.
Ivan III Vasilievich (1440–1505)
The collection is dedicated to the life and reign of Ivan III, the remarkable ruler who united Russian lands under one state.
Rostov-on-Don City
The collection is dedicated to the history of Rostov-on-Don, the largest city in Southern Europe. It includes digital copies of official documents, archival materials, research papers, reference books, periodicals, albums, photographs, and maps stored in the collections of the Presidential Library.
Russia – Morocco: the History of Relations
The collection is dedicated to the history of relations between Russia and Morocco, which began in the last third of the 18th century, but started to develop most actively at the end of the 19th century and in the second half of the 20th century.