Lipetsk Region: pages of history
Lipetsk Region: pages of history

Offered selection includes the research works, archival documents, visual and audio materials, reflecting the socio-economic, political and cultural aspects of the history of the Lipetsk Region of the XIII − the early XX centuries, as well as the Statute in force of the Lipetsk Region.
Charter of the Lipetsk region of the Russian Federation
The Lipetsk region. Laws. The Charter of the Lipetsk Region of the Russian Federation. [Lipetsk, 2003].
About the coat of arms and the flag of the Lipetsk region
The Lipetsk region. Laws. About the coat of arms and the flag of the Lipetsk region. Lipetsk, 2003.
Landmark Department of the Senate. Third Foundation (Landmark) Department of the Senate. Economic notes to the atlas of Lipetsk district of Tambov province
Landmark Department of the Senate. Film Russia. The Governing Senate. The Third (Landmark) Department. Economic notes to the atlas of Lipetsk district of Tambov province. 1798.
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив" (РГИА)
Where were the cities of Lipetsk and Vorgol, as well as other places mentioned in the annals of 1283-1284?
Bunin, Alexey Ivanovich (-1903). Where were the cities of Lipetsk and Vorgol, as well as other places mentioned in the annals under 1283-1284 ?. Moscow: printer. A.I. Snegireva, 1901.
Resolutions of the 15th Eletsky Uyezd Soviet of Workers ', Peasants' and Red Army Deputies
Yelets county. Congress of Soviets (15). Resolutions XV Eletsky Uyezd Council of Workers, Peasants and Red Army Deputies. Yelets: Yelets. the Executive Committee, 1926.
Journey to the Lipetsk Mineral Waters in 1803
Journey to the Lipetsk Mineral Waters in 1803. Moscow: Privileged type. Kryazheva and Meya, 1804.
The case of the release of sums for the construction of the Lipetsk mineral waters. H 5 / II; V.u. 12 / III. 1812
The case of the release of sums for the construction of the Lipetsk mineral waters. H 5 / II; V.u. 12 / III. 1812 year.1812.
The case of establishing the boundaries of the district of sanitary protection, the size of sanitary fees and the establishment of the post of a government sanitary doctor at the Lipetsk Mineral Waters in the Voronezh Gubernia. Map of the borders of the Lipetsk Mineral Water Sanitary Protection District. March 24, 1917
The case on establishing the boundaries of the sanitary protection district, the amount of sanitary fees and the establishment of the position of a government sanitary doctor in the Lipetsk Mineral Waters in the Voronezh Gorge.
Map of the boundaries of the Lipetsk Mineral Waters Sanitary Protection Area.
March 24, 1917 g. 91
Map of the boundaries of the Lipetsk Mineral Waters Sanitary Protection Area.
March 24, 1917 g. 91
On the permission to build the Lipetsk branch of Art. Lipetsk of the South-East Railway. to the mines of the Tambov Anonymous Mining and Metallurgical Society in the village of. Romanov Lipetsk district of Tambov province. June 1st.
On the permission to build the Lipetsk branch of Art. Lipetsk of the South-East Railway. to the mines of the Tambov Anonymous Mining and Metallurgical Society in the village of. Romanov Lipetsk county Tambov province.
June 1, 1915
June 1, 1915
Affairs of the Department of Civil and Spiritual Affairs. 1884 According to the Minister of Railways, the alienation from the ownership of the city of Lipetsk land for the needs of water supply at the station Lipetsk, Orel-Gryazskaya railway. N. 03.12.1884; K. 05/01/1885.
Affairs of the Department of Civil and Spiritual Affairs. 1884 According to the Minister of Railways, the alienation from the ownership of the city of Lipetsk land for the needs of water supply at the station Lipetsk, Orel-Gryazskaya railway. N. 03.12.1884; K. 05/01/1885 g.1884.