Russia – Italy: time travel

Russia – Italy: time travel

The presented researches, collected documents, travelers’ notes and photographs reveal geography, history and culture of Italy, the history of Russian-Italian diplomatic relations from the 16th century and with the Italian campaign of Suvorov in 1799.

The newest general geography. or Description of all parts of the world in Europe, Asia, Africa, America and South India; with the history of the peoples and all states from the beginning of these to our times, with the new addition of Russian geography in its current state, with the description of the Bialystok region and Finland, with Russian history from the beginning of the origin of the Russians, to the days of the now reigning emperor Alexander I. Part 1. [Europe] Part 1

  Guthrie, William (1708-1770).     The newest general geography. or Description of all parts of the world in Europe, Asia, Africa, America and South India; with the history of the peoples and all states from the beginning of these to our times, with the new addition of Russian geography in its present state, with the description of the Bialystok region and Finland, with Russian history from the beginning of the origin of the Russians, to the days of the now reigning emperor Alexander I. [Europe] 1. St. Petersburg: In the Medical Printing House, 1809. 1809.

Monuments of diplomatic relations of ancient Russia with the powers of foreign. [T. 10. Monuments of diplomatic relations with the papal court and with the Italian states

Monuments of diplomatic relations of ancient Russia with the powers of foreign. St. Petersburg: published by the Department of the Own EI V. Chancellery, 1851-1871.
[T. 10: Monuments of diplomatic relations with the papal court and with the Italian states. 1871.

Description of the embassy, ​​sent in 1659 from Tsar Alexis Mikhailovich to Ferdinand II, the Grand Duke of Tuscany

  Chertkov, Alexander Dmitrievich (1789-1858).     Description of the embassy, ​​sent in 1659 from Tsar Alexis Mikhailovich to Ferdinand II, the Grand Duke of Tuscany.
Moscow: the type. Augusta Seeds at the Medical-Surgeon. Academic., 1840.

A note of the travel of the general of the Feldmarshal of the Russian troops, the secret adviser and the gentleman of the Maltese, p. the Apostle Andrew, the White Eagle and the Prussian Order, the Earl of Boris Petrovich Sheremetev, at the time of the former boyar and viceroy of Vyatka, the European states in Krakow, Vienna, Venice, Rome and the Maltese island,

Sheremetev, Boris Petrovich (1652-1719). A note of the travel of the general of the Feldmarshal of the Russian troops, the secret adviser and the gentleman of the Maltese, p. the Apostle Andrew, the White Eagle and the Prussian Order, Count Boris Petrovich Sheremetev, at the time of the former boyar and viceroy of Vyatka, to the European states in Krakow, Vienna, Venice, Rome and the Maltese island. Moscow: Pecs. under the Imp. un-te, 1773.