Smolensk Region: pages of history
Smolensk Region: pages of history
The collection includes research, archival documents, statistical, cartographic, visual and audio materials that reflect the geography, socio-economic and political aspects of the history of the Smolensk region in the XIII - XXI centuries, as well as the current Statute of the Smolensk region.
Charter of the Smolensk region
Smolensk region. Laws. Charter of the Smolensk region. [Smolensk, 2001].
[Atlas of Smolensk Province]
[Atlas of Smolensk Province]. [Smolensk], [179.].
Smolensk Province
Smolensk Province. Film SPB: The cartographer. head. D. Rudnev, [1913].
Тверская ОУНБ
Military statistical survey of the Russian Empire. T. 8, part 2. Smolensk Province
Military statistical survey of the Russian Empire. St. Petersburg: in the printing house of the Department of the General Staff, 1848-1858.
T. 8, part 2: Smolensk Province. 1852.
T. 8, part 2: Smolensk Province. 1852.
Lists of populated areas of the Russian Empire, compiled and published by the Central Statistical Committee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. 40. Smolensk Province
Lists of populated areas of the Russian Empire, compiled and published by the Central Statistical Committee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. St. Petersburg: in the printing house of Carl Wolf, 1861-1885. Film 40: Smolensk Province. 1868.
Materials for geography and statistics of Russia, collected by officers of the General Staff. [T. 21]. Smolensk Province
Materials for geography and statistics of Russia, collected by officers of the General Staff. St.Petersburg: General Directorate of the General Staff, 1859-1868.
[T. 21]: Smolensk Province. 1862.
[T. 21]: Smolensk Province. 1862.
Urban settlements in the Russian Empire. T. 4
Urban settlements in the Russian Empire. St. Petersburg: the printing house of the Association "Public Benefit", 1860-1865.
T. 4. 1864.
T. 4. 1864.
Тамбовская ОУНБ
Volosts and communes in 1890. .... 40. Smolensk Province
Volosts and communes in 1890. St. Petersburg: publication of the Central Statistical Committee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, 1890-1892. Film 40: Smolensk Province. 1890.
First General Census of the Russian Empire in 1897 .. 40. Smolensk Province
First General Census of the Russian Empire in 1897 [St. Petersburg]: publication of the Central Statistical Committee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, 1899-1905. Film 40: Smolensk Province. 1904.
Our Russia is holy. 7. Smolensk and Smolensk Province
Makushev, Vladimir Vladimirovich. Our Russia is holy. St. Petersburg: Synodal Printing House, 1908-1912.
7: Smolensk and Smolensk Province. St. Petersburg: type. Imperial uch. deaf-and-dumb. (M. Alenyeva), 1912.
7: Smolensk and Smolensk Province. St. Petersburg: type. Imperial uch. deaf-and-dumb. (M. Alenyeva), 1912.